In this segment of Catechists in Action, Marge Garbacz welcomes her RCIA participants and invites them to prayer. Watch for the following:
- Marge greets the participants with great enthusiasm, letting them know how welcome they are and how enthusiastic she is to be spending time with them
- Marge gives instructions for the prayer and invites the group to pray a prayer written for the parish RCIA process and used over many years at the parish.
- notice the prayer table behind Marge…a simple purple cloth for Lent, a crucifix, a Bible, and a candle
- Marge invites the participants to take lead parts in the litany of thanksgiving
- the prayer is simple, reverent, thoughtful, and brief, setting the tone for the sacred work about to be undertaken.
Joe-am trying to hook up again with the sites or links that you mentioned regarding the role of public relations and marketing in the church.
Accidentally deleted the article and cannot get back into them. Really need them ASAP….
THanks again for all you do-have all your books and use them-a lot!
Susan, here’s the post you’re speaking of:
I’m wondering, Joe, if the setting for this Rite of Christian Initiation sharing is Lent, why is “Allelula” part of the prayer? It’s a bit confusing to me, and I’m wondering if it wouldn’t be confusing to those participating, also.
It was during Lent, Marsha…obviously an oversight.