Thanks so much for the great response to our Pop-Up Catechesis feature. We initiated the series at the beginning of the quarantine as a way of supporting parents with ideas for making faith come alive in the home. Due to the favorable feedback we’ve received, we are going to continue featuring Pop-Up Catechesis here on Catechist’s Journey, with some minor changes.
We originally created three episodes per week of Pop-Up Catechesis to respond to the immediate need of families as we all shifted to the stay-at-home orders. Now that some restrictions are easing up and summer is upon us, our “season 2” of Pop-Up Catechesis will shift to one day per week—Thursdays.
In the meantime, we’d love to get more feedback from you! I invite you to share some of your thoughts in the comments box below, responding to any of the following prompts.
- How have you used Pop-Up Catechesis? With whom have you been sharing and how?
- Would you like to see this continue in the fall?
- What topics would you like to see addressed?
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. We look forward to responding in ways that continue to meet your needs and the needs of those you serve.
We have used the “Pop-Up Catechesis” activities in both our bulletin and Flock Notes to our parish, especially during the down time when we only had Live Streamed Masses.
That’s awesome, Jim. Thanks!
I have been sharing these on our PSR facebook page with our current parents in the program. It is a closed group. They are practical ways to engage families to live their faith. I like that they are going to continue during the summer at once a week; not too many to keep up with but keeps faith at the forefront. Thanks for providing these!!
My pleasure, Sharon. I like the FB page idea!
These are wonderful and have been a great source to share with the parish and school and faith formation;we have had positive response. I would like to see these continue in the fall as we prepare for the new normal.
We have been sharing through email and our website and limited Facebook
Topics ordinary time; Advent, Gratitude
Great, Maria…thanks for the suggestions.
I have really loved the Pop-Up Catechesis. I have saved some for when working with sacramental prep. I have put links to some on our parish’s webpage. I have sent some links directly to parents. I have shared it with others in my diocese.
Please continue it. As for future topics, how about breaking down the doctrinal elements we want our children (and adults, who seem to have forgotten them) so that it’s not only head knowledge but also heart knowledge? Thank you.
I appreciate you sharing how you are using the Pop-Ups, Patricia! I like the idea about doctrinal elements…it would make sense to do a series in 4 “units” – one for each of the four pillars of the Catechism. Thanks!
We’ve been sharing Pop-up Catechesis with our PSR and Day School families. I think it is a great way to strengthen the Domestic Church which is so important during this time!
I’d love to see a focus on the different parts of the Mass, the Liturgical Year.
I agree about strengthening the Domestic Church, Angela. Great idea about the parts of the Mass. Thanks!
As the Catechetical Coordinator for my parish, I have included Pop-Up Catechesis in our weekly family e-newsletters which can also be found on our parish’s website. They are a great length. I like that when I include the link to the videos there are also other resources for families wishing to go deeper into a particular topic. I have generally used one or two a week so I have some extra material to carry me over into the summer months. Thanks!
That’s awesome, Jennifer! Thanks for the feedback. You’re right about the length of the videos…I could easily go on and on but my handlers crack the whip and remind me to keep it brief!
I am a DRE. I used Pop Up Catechesis in weekly emails to my families throughout the quarantine. Sometime I attached your clip and sometime use them as spring boards for topics. I am also using them to help prep catechists for the Fall. For me personally, I read many of the attached articles to broaden my own understanding of topics and expand my resources for parents and catechists. Loyola Press has really stood out for me these last few months and I look forward to working with Loyola Press in the Fall.
Thanks so much, Beverly, for your great feedback about all of the ways you are using these resources and especially for the kind words about Loyola Press…we are working very hard to partner with people like you during these difficult times.
This has been a wonderful resource for our families – PSR and Family Catechesis. I am wondering, going forward, how anyone plans on doing Children’s Liturgy of the Word. Our diocese is not permitting us to have in person.
Thank you.
Thanks, Sharon. I will keep my eyes and ears open about what parishes/dioceses are doing about children’s Liturgy of the Word. I hope we hear from others what they are doing.
I have enjoyed your Pop Up Catechesis series. I am a 2nd grade volunteer catechist at our local parish. It has given me ideas for my CCD class that I share with other catechists. Future topics: church calendar (intro to each of the church seasons, liturgical colors), an explanation of items one might see at church (holy oils cabinet, tabernacle, etc), an explanation of the priests’ clothing and anything about Mary (since we don’t hear much about Mary in the Bible).
I Love your ideas for future topics!!
Great suggestions, Michele…thanks!
I have thoroughly enjoyed this series. It has helped me prepare for next year with alot of great fresh ideas. I have even shared some of the articles with my parents and teachers. I would love to see it continue in the Fall and there after! I would like to see some articles on the younger age groups; grades 1-6 and even Pre-K. Also, I would like to see some articles on First Communion and hear how other DRE’s make it special for the children!Looking forward to a new series> Keep up the good work:)
Thanks for your feedback, Jules!
I have been sharing the videos with our seventh and eighth grade parents and have had great success tying them into to our weekly theme and Gospel. The first one we sent out was creating prayer space at home, which was so relevant at the beginning of the stay-at-home. Would love to see them continue. Possible topic ideas – prayer, stewardship, discipleship. Thank you for all you do to inspire catechists and families in faith! I love your creativity.
Thanks, Karen, for sharing about your use of the Pop-Up Catechesis videos and for your suggestions for future topics!