All work and no play makes this catechist a dull boy. So I’m getting some much needed R & R!
While I’m on vacation until late July, I thought it’d be fun to share some of my favorite jokes from my books, A Well-Built Faith and The Bible Blueprint. Here’s today’s contribution:
The parish liturgy team met with the pastor to find ways to incorporate various worship styles in the parish. They decided on four different styles of celebrating the Mass. One Mass would be for those new to the faith. Another would be for those who preferred traditional worship. A third would be for those who had lost their faith and would like to get it back. And the fourth Mass would be for those who had a bad experience with the Church and were complaining about it. To advertise the Masses, they suggested the following names for each: FINDERS, KEEPERS, LOSERS, WEEPERS. Thankfully, the pastor overruled!
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