Thanks for Participating in the Webinar!

A great big THANK YOU to all the folks who participated in tonight’s Webinar, Getting Started as a Catechist – Primary Grades!!! As always, it was wonderful to be able to spend time with you looking more closely at how we can grow in our effectiveness as catechists. Good luck to all you primary grade catechists! Next up is my Webinar for catechists of intermediate grade children (grades 4, 5, and 6) on Wednesday, August 24, 2011 at 7:00 pm (CDT). For more info and to register, click here.

About Joe Paprocki 2742 Articles
Joe Paprocki, DMin, is National Consultant for Faith Formation at Loyola Press, where, in addition to his traveling/speaking responsibilities, he works on the development team for faith formation curriculum resources including Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts and God’s Gift: Reconciliation and Eucharist. Joe has more than 35 years of experience in ministry and has presented keynotes, presentations, and workshops in more than 100 dioceses in North America. Joe is a frequent presenter at national conferences including the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, the Mid-Atlantic Congress, and the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership. He is the author of numerous books, including the best seller The Catechist’s Toolbox, A Church on the Move, Under the Influence of Jesus, and Called to Be Catholic—a bilingual, foundational supplemental program that helps young people know their faith and grow in their relationship with God. Joe is also the series editor for the Effective Catechetical Leader and blogs about his experiences in faith formation at


      • Good afternoon. Yes, happily saying that I am. It was great no glitches or whatsoever, so blessed I must say.

        • Charry, you “win the prize” for logging on from the greatest distance! I’m so happy the connection worked well for you and that we were able to walk the catechetical journey together across such great distance!

          • Likewise, Joe. Surely you’ll be having more participants from here. Keep it going and keep it moving! Xie xie (Thank you), ’til the next webinars…

  1. I thought the information presented was great, however it was frustrating that the audio kept going in and out. I had to close and reopen the audio portion so many times towards the middle of the presentation that I missed some valuable information!

    • Sorry to hear about your audio glitches Jodie. Perhaps when the recording is available you’ll be able to give a listen to pick up the parts you missed.

  2. Thanks Joe for a wonderful way to begin my 3rd year of catechisis for the young people of St. Peter the Apostle Church here in Trinity, Florida. The webinar is a great tool for me, enjoyable and informative.

  3. Webinar was great! Thank you. I my children are getting ready to receive the sacrament of Penance and Eucharist, any webinars avaible for the sacraments?

    • Hi Donna, I’m glad you enjoyed the webinar. If there are any webinars about sacramental preparation, I’ll be sure to announce them on my blog!

  4. Thank you for providing the Webinar. I am one of those participants with years of experience; however I am always looking for new ideas to implement. This was my first experience doing an online webinar, and I enjoyed it up to the part where I experience technical difficulties around 7:47 and lost the sound. I was able to follow along by reading the power point presentation.

    Once again thank you and God Bless you!
    Connie Herrera

    • Thanks for joining the webinar Connie…sorry you had the technical difficulties. Maybe you can catch the recording when it’s available and focus on the part you missed.

  5. Thank you so much for sharing with us. Great advice. We can really use all the help we can get to get to our children. They are indeed little treasures..
    Again thank you and thank you Jesus and Our Most Blessed Mother Mary.

  6. Thank you so much for a great Webinar. It is never too much information. Definitely a full cup of great ideas to apply in my classroom. Also, a great reminder that as Catechists we are just enhancing a child’s relationship with Jesus not replacing their parents as primary educators in their faith.

  7. Thank you, the webinar was very informative and interesting. I’m looking forward to the next webinar. God bless you for all the work you do in our Lord’s name.

  8. I really enjoyed the webinar last night. It was filled with great information. I had never tried a webinar before, but what a great way to learn. Thanks much and God bless!

  9. Hi Joe! I can thank you for the wonderful idea of a webinar, but I can’t thank you for the content:( I was totally prepared…paper and pen in hand and perched securely on the edge of my chair! As soon as you started to speak, the doorbell rang. I recognized the man at the door and knew he was on the road collecting pledges for a bike~a~thon for cancer cures. He was also well prepared and explained everything about the activity without pause.
    When can I check in on the recording?

    • Theresa, thanks for your comment…sounds like a worthy interruption! The recording should be ready on my blog early next week….stay tuned!

  10. Great Webnar! I am a classroom teacher and learned about your Webnar from our diocesan office. Even classroom teachers can use some of the ideas that you presented. Thanks! I’d be interested in knowing what time it was in China when your listener logged on. One other thing, a listener asked about a certificate of participation. for professional defelopment. I didn’t see any information about that in the e-mail.

    • Hi Wanda and thanks for the great feedback. It’s good to know that classroom teachers can benefit from these webinars as well. Good question about what time it was in China! My guess is that it was “tomorrow morning!” As for the certificate information, you can contact Carrie Freyer at for help on that.

      • Greetings from Shanghai, China once again. It was the 18th of August already exactly 8:00 o’clock in the morning =) I definitely woke up early and prepare everything for the Webinar in anticipation of any technology glitches.

  11. Thanks for the information, Joe. I look forward to any other Webinars you may present in the future that deal with primary grades. Keep up the great work! I’ll check with Carrie regarding the professional development certificate. Again, thanks so much!

  12. Due to family situation I was unable to register for the Webinar on Aug. 17. Is there any other way I could listen to your webinar on Getting Started as a Catechist-Primary Grades? Thank you.

  13. I missed the first Webinar for primary grades because of a prior commitment. I was wondering if you still have the handout available for notetaking. I have printed out the intermediate one so that I am already for this week.


  14. Sorry I didn’t look down far enough before I sent you the e-mail. I found a link on the bottom of this page. Sorry I bothered you. Have it printed out and will look forward to seeing it on your blog.

    Thanks Again

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