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Art and Music in Catechesis

Arts and Faith

Tips on using art in summer ministry. A contest hosted by the Archdiocese of New Orleans that showcases emerging young artists. An artist who’s painting the first portrait of Pope Francis. These are a few of the stories Loyola Press includes in its second annual series, Arts and Faith. Arts and Faith is a collection of stories about Catholics around the globe who demonstrate the creative ways art expresses and deepens their relationship with God. […]

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Catechetical Issues & Topics

Catechists: What Do You Look for in a DRE?

I received an e-mail from a friend who is a DRE, and he asked if I had ever posted about what catechists look for in a Director of Religious Education. I told him that I had not but what a wonderful idea for a post! So… Catechists: please share a few thoughts about what you look for in a Director of Religious Education! Just type in your comments in the box below. Thanks!

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Being a Catechist

Talk to Me!

I realized recently that I hadn’t received a comment here on my blog for a while. I chalked it up to folks being busy with end-of-the-year responsibilities and then vacations. However, I brought it to the attention of my IT guy and, sure enough, upon investigation, he found that a security setting had been blocking comments. He assures me that he’s corrected the situation. Sorry if you’ve been trying to leave comments in recent weeks […]

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Comings & Goings

Lovin’ Louisville!

I enjoyed a couple of wonderful days in the Archdiocese of Louisville, KY, with over 100 Catholic school teachers, catechists, and catechetical leaders. We spent Monday looking at catechesis that not only informs  but also transforms (Beyond the Catechist’s Toolbox) and our Catholic identity (Practice Make Catholic). Thanks to all for participating in this summer enrichment!

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YouTube Videos as Supplemental Resources for Jr Hi and HS Faith Formation

The General Directory for Catechesis states clearly that NO resource, no matter how well-tested or glitzy, “can dispense with the person of the catechist in every phase of the catechetical process.” (156) Some faith formation programs would have you believe that their resources, whether a textbook or a series of DVDs, will do all the work and that all a catechist needs to do is to facilitate the turning of pages in a book or […]

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One Question with Joe Paprocki AND Another Book Review

Several weeks ago, the Publisher of Loyola Press, Fr. Paul Brian Campbell, SJ, sat down with me to ask his “One Question” and he chose to ask about the title of my book, Under the Influence of Jesus. Here’s my reply. httpv:// Speaking of my book, Under the Influence of Jesus, here’s another wonderful review by blogger Fran Rossi Szpylczyn who blogs at There Will Be Bread. Thanks Fran!

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Liturgical Seasons & Feasts

Pentecost: A Renewable Source of Abundance

Imagine how you would feel if someone stepped into your life, paid off all of your debts, and set up a line of credit for you to draw from for the rest of your life! I know one thing: I’d like this person’s business card! This scenario may sound far-fetched, but in essence, this is what God has done for us, and this is what we celebrate on Pentecost. God not only relieved us of […]

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Last Stop on My Blog Tour: Joliet Joyce!

You’ve heard of “Joliet Jake” from the Blues Brothers, but have you heard of “Joliet Joyce?” 🙂 Joyce Donahue is the last stop on my blog tour for my book, Under the Influence of Jesus: The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ. Joyce, a Catechetical Associate in the Diocese of Joliet Religious Education Office, writes a wonderful blog at Liturgy and Catechesis Shall Kiss. When it comes to the nuts and bolts of liturgy and catechesis, […]

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My Blog Tour Heads to Downstate Illinois: Jonathan Sullivan

Ah, there’s nothing like traveling through the cornfields of Illinois on my way downstate! My blog tour today takes me to the state capitol of Springfield where Jonathan Sullivan serves as the Diocesan Director of Catechetical Services. Anyone know who the bishop is down there? 😉 I’ve spoken of Jonathan before on my blog and continue to admire him and see him as one of the brightest minds in catechetical ministry in our country today. […]

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Blog Tour 3rd Stop: Marc Cardaronella

Today, the blog tour for my book, Under the Influence of Jesus: The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ, visits catechist extraordinaire, Marc Cardaronella, who aptly describes himself as a “passionate Catholic; evangelical catechist; experimental evangelist; former naval aviator; revert; and wannabe changemaker!” Here is more of how Marc describes himself and his blog: I’m Marc. I work at a Catholic parish in Central Illinois, and I have a passion for evangelization. This is where parish […]