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Growing as a Catechist

A Catechist’s Self-Assessment

With the end of most religious education program years occurring, this is a good time for catechists to do a little bit of self assessment. Feel free to use the following by yourself, with a peer or group of peers, or with your DRE. 1 = poor/I disagree 2 = fair/I somewhat disagree 3 = good/I somewhat agree 4 = excellent/I agree I became more aware of my vocation as a catechist 1 2 3 […]

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Prayer/Guided Reflections

End of the Year Guided Reflection for Catechists

Several years ago, I put together a guided reflection for catechists to reflect on the catechetical year in a prayerful manner. This can be done alone or in a group setting. For your convenience, I’m re-posting it here. We often tell our learners to use their imaginations. Now it’s your turn. Use your imagination to reflect on this past year as a catechist. (Pause.) First, find a position that feels most comfortable to you. (Pause.) […]

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World Day of Prayer for Vocations

This Sunday, May 11, is World Day of Prayer for Vocations which coincides with the 4th Sunday of Easter or Good Shepherd Sunday. Here is a link to the Web site for the World Day of Prayer for Vocations: Likewise, here is a link to the USCCB Web site with further links to resources such as prayers for vocations and the message of the Holy Father. Let us pray that God will call […]

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Dear 7th Grade Catechist…

Last night, we celebrated the Eucharist to bring closure to this catechetical year at St. Cajetan. The pastor, Fr. Frank, did a wonderful job of making it a celebration of growth and thanksgiving for many blessings…he is so good at speaking to the children! It occurred to me that I might be able to help the 7th grade catechist who will “inherit” my class next year, by telling him or her what my students learned […]

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Great Review for Under the Influence of Jesus!

Thanks to U.S. Catholic (May, 2014 issue) for a very positive review of my book Under the Influence of Jesus: The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ. The review, by Alfred J. Garrotto, says the following: Joe Paprocki’s latest book, Under the Influence of Jesus, models adult faith formation at its best: faith-full, contemporary, and applicable to everyday life. Readers who approach this book with the “same-old, same-old” expectations risk missing both its evangelical passion and […]

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Bishops – Under the Influence of Jesus

About a month ago, I sent a signed copy of my book, Under the Influence of Jesus: The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ, to every Catholic bishop in the U.S. Since then, I’ve received dozens of cards and letters from the bishops in response! Many of them are commenting about this book being an excellent resource for the New Evangelization!

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Intermediate Grades

YOU Get a Bowl! YOU Get a Bowl! YOU Get a Bowl!

I just had to share one of those moments as a catechist that just make you laugh! Last night, for the last half hour of class, we had a little film-fest as a treat for the kids on their last night. With the DRE’s permission, we brought some popcorn for them to enjoy. Joanne employed some of the kids to help her distribute the goodies and one young man was in charge of distributing the […]

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Intermediate Grades

Survey Results In

Last evening, I surveyed my students (8 of 9 were present), asking them to indicate which activities we did this year were their most or least favorite. I compiled a list of 20 activities we did throughout the year and asked them to rate each one on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being “least favorite” and 10 being “most favorite. First, I am happy to report that NOT ONE activity of the […]

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Comings & Goings

Evangelizing Catechesis in Oakland, CA

Thanks to the catechetical leaders and youth ministers who came out in Oakland, CA, to spend the day looking at how we can make our catechesis more evangelizing. We were blessed with a visit from Bishop Barber, S.J., who spoke eloquently about his desire for catechesis to be more evangelizing, for us to expect more from those we teach, and for us to give them an experience of the transcendent.

sixth-grade boy
Intermediate Grades

One Last Session!

It’s hard to believe, but this Tuesday is the last session I have with my 6th graders! Where did the year go? It has been a wonderful year and I am so grateful to these 9th sixth graders for being such a great class of kids and to my wife Joanne for being the best aide ever! Our official last class is next week when we take the kids to church for Mass so this […]