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Under the Influence of Jesus

More Comments and Questions from Under the Influence Webinar

Here are some more wonderful comments and questions from last evening’s Webinar on my new book, Under the Influence of Jesus: The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ. Love your reference to the lightness of being in children.   I teach first graders and they remind me of this everyday when we stop our day to teach Religion and kearn about the love of the Trinity. (Kathleen K.) The idea of simplicity in how we approach others […]

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Under the Influence of Jesus

THANK YOU! – Under the Influence Webinar

A great big THANK YOU for all those who participated in last evening’s very successful Webinar on my new book, Under the Influence of Jesus: The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ! Congratulations to our trivia contest winner, Betty Kuvinka! She was selected at random from a pool of participants who answered the following question correctly: On Pentecost, what time of day did Peter say it was when he denied that the Apostles had been drinking? […]

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Intermediate Grades

God’s Presence – Solomon’s Temple and the Temple of the Holy Spirit

Here is my lesson plan for this evening! Session 19 God’s Presence – Solomon’s Temple and the Temple of the Holy Spirit Big Idea: God is present to us at all times and especially in the Eucharist Preliminaries (10 mins) Collect Psalms from last week and read them anonymously as part of opening prayer. Opening procession and prayer ritual Engage (15 mins) Show clip of Mr. Magoo Christmas Carol “Alone in the World” (2:44), in […]

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Under the Influence of Jesus

Last Chance to Register for Thursday’s FREE Webinar!

Under the Influence of Jesus: The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ – A Webinar Facilitator: Joe Paprocki, DMin Brought to you by Loyola Press, A Jesuit Ministry Thursday, February 13, 2014 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Central Time (Find out what time this is for you.) The most important relationships are life-changing because they bring about a shift in your priorities and a transformation in your outlook. This is true of the single-most important relationship […]

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Art and Music in Catechesis

Music Touches the Heart – Especially of Young People

Last night, music took center stage in my session as we we explored the Psalms! We focused especially on the myriad of feelings that are expressed in the Psalms and used contemporary music to capture some of those same feelings. Our emphasis was on the notion that we can talk to God under ANY circumstances and in ANY mood. Since last week was a snow day, not all of the kids remembered to bring in […]

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Intermediate Grades

The Psalms – We Can Talk to God Under ANY Circumstances!

Tonight’s session will focus on the Psalms and how they represent prayers for every occasion and emotion. I enjoy this session because it gives me the opportunity to incorporate contemporary music into the session. This year, for the first time, I am also having the young people bring in songs that they have selected (although with last week’s snow day, I wonder how many will remember!). Anyway, here’s the plan: Session 18 – The Psalms […]

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40 Ideas for 40 Days of Lent!

It’s that time once again! The Lenten season is just one month away! To help you with your planning, I’m once again providing my popular 40 Ideas for 40 Days. Let me know which activities you chose to do, how you did them (adding your own twists) and  how things turned out! In addition, here are lots more Lenten resources from Loyola Press. And don’t forget my list of Lenten resources for small faith groups!

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Lent Resources for Small Faith Groups

As Lent approaches, many parishes and college campuses look to form small faith groups so that people can share the journey of Lent together. Here are some great resources for small faith groups from Loyola Press that I recommend: Online Lenten Opportunities for Small Groups Arts & Faith: Lent – A visual prayer experience for Lent. Each week provides a video commentary about a work of art inspired by the Sunday Scriptures. The Ignatian Workout for Lent: […]