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Joys and Frustrations

Encountering Former Students

One of the rewards of being a catechist or a teacher of any kind is meeting former students. We always talk about sowing the seeds of faith with those we teach. It’s nice to see how some of those seeds have “sprung” as the years have gone by! Over the last 2 evenings at Theology on Tap, I bumped into 2 former students of mine, both of whom are now engaged in training in the […]

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Catechist Witness Talks

On Sunday, I attended Mass at St. Emily parish in Mount Prospect, immediately before my Theology on Tap presentation. After Communion, a young man (probably in his twenties), came up to the microphone and gave a witness talk about his calling as a catechist. He did an excellent job of talking about the need for catechesis and the spiritual growth that comes with serving as a catechist. He also extended a powerful invitation to folks […]

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Defending Your Right to Catechesis

I’ve been reminding my young adult audiences at Theology on Tap that, according to the Code of Canon Law, they have a right to sound catechesis! All too often, young adults (and for that matter, adults in general) are neglected when it comes to offering catechesis which is to be a lifelong endeavor and not relegated to a childhood experience. Many young adults are surprised to discover that catechesis is their right according to canon law. […]

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On Being Able to Talk About Our Faith

I’m beginning my Theology on Tap talks this week with the following story. At the time of 9/11, I was working for the Archdiocese of Chicago, Office for Catechesis, as a Vicariate Catechetical Coordinator. The DREs I was working with felt that it would be good to engage in Muslim-Catholic dialogue and I agreed. I visited a mosque and invited the Imam there to meet with a group of DREs and he cordially accepted. A few […]

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Understanding Kids

Girls Gone Mild

Girls Gone Mild is the title of a new book by Wendy Shalit. I haven’t read this but I wonder if it might be of interest and help to catechists who work with young ladies. Catholic News Service describes the book this way: WASHINGTON (CNS) – Some girls are choosing to be mild, rejecting the wild. And mild doesn’t mean meek and passive – these girls are standing up to pressures to be promiscuous, rejecting […]

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Comings & Goings

Theology on Tap – Catholic Identity

Over the next week, I’ll be a “catechist” for young adults in a program in the Chicago Archdiocese called Theology on Tap, a speaker and conversation series for people in their 20s and 30s to learn more about the Catholic faith, make connections between faith and everyday life, and enter into conversation with peers. The program is being hosted at 40 locations throughout the Archdiocese of Chicago and 14 in the Diocese of Joliet from July 8 – […]

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Teaching Skills

Carl J. Pfeifer, "Father" of the Contemporary Catechist – R.I.P.

I read with sadness the announcement of the passing of Carl J. Pfeifer who, with his wife Janaan Manternach, were, in the minds of many, the “father” and “mother” of the contemporary catechist. Their book, Creative Catechist, is a classic and inspired me early on in my career in catechetical ministry. Thank you, Carl, for inspiring so many of us to be creative catechists! Carl J. Pfeifer, 78, died of Alzheimers at 1:05 am, Thursday […]

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Teaching Skills

Skills, Tips, and Practical Advice for Preparing the Learning Environment

My new book, The Catechist’s Toolbox, is now available to order from Loyola Press! I just received my own copies of the book and I’m really excited about it! Here’s another little peek inside: Skills, Tips, and Practical Advice for Preparing the Learning Environment If you were having people over for dinner, you would no doubt prepare the environment to heighten the enjoyment and express a mood of celebration and hospitality. When we teach, we […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings

National Catholic Bible Conference Misleading

As a catechist, I have often participated in the Chicago Catechetical Conference. Naturally, when I hear of such a conference, I can safely assume that it is sponsored by a Church agency in Chicago which of course it is (the Office for Catechesis and Youth Ministry). Likewise, when I attend the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership, I can safely assume that it is sponsored by a national catechetical organization which of course it is: NCCL. […]

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My Memories of the Latin Mass

So while I was on vacation, the Pope issued his “long awaited” document allowing for the return of the Latin Mass. Some people have fond memories of the Latin Mass. I’m not one of them. Of course I was only 7 years old when the Mass changed to English but I have definite memories of the Latin Mass at the parish where I grew up. My most vivid memory is how, when we’d get home from […]