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Top Reasons People Hesitate to Become a Catechist

When asked to become a catechist, many people hesitate. “Me? A Catechist?” That hesitation is based on many things. Below are some common reasons that people hesitate to become a catechist. What I really wanted to do is write a response to each reason but I’m in a bit of a time crunch to get a lot of work done before I begin vacation tomorrow, SO, I’m hoping that y’all can pitch in and send […]

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My Summer Reading

Take a look at “What I’m Reading” in the right column below to see what I’m wrapping my head around this summer…as usual, pretty ecclectic!

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More Top Reasons to Become a Catechist

Fellow catechist Denise sends along these top reasons for becoming a catechist (she wrote these without seeing my list from yesterday): A common recruitment answer is that you’ll learn more about the Catholic faith by teaching it. That’s certainly true, but my experience has been more that I gain new insights on knowledge already floating around my brain, new ways of looking at faith. The kids draw out those insights, and do it in such […]

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Catechist Recruitment

Top Reasons to Become a Catechist

At this time of the year, many Catholics find themselves considering an invitation to become a catechist in their parish. Directors/Coordinators of Religious Education/Faith Formation, Pastoral Associates, Priests, and Deacons are all “on the prowl” seeking out those who have the potential to serve in this role. Perhaps you’ve been invited to be a catechist. Perhaps you know someone who is thinking about becoming a catechist. Or perhaps you are the one doing the inviting. […]

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Creative Moments

The Catholic Way of Seeing

I’m not one for believing that Jesus and Mary “appear” in tree barks, potato chips, window panes, and grease stains. We hear these kinds of stories on the news from time to time, of people seeing the image of Jesus or the Blessed Virgin Mary in the most unlikely places. I DO however, believe that it tends to be a Catholic  phenomenon because Catholics are taught to see in a unique way. In a sense, […]

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Teaching Skills

Linking Faith to Daily Living

Pope Benedict XVI recently told bishops from Slovakia (June 15) that “only by helping young people make a connection between their Christian faith and everyday life can the Church help youths resist the temptations and illusions of consumerism.” I believe this is our sacred duty as catechists. Unless faith connects with daily living, it will remain a “subject” or “topic” for our young people instead of a way of life. What does this mean practically […]

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Teaching Skills

My New Book Is On Amazon!

My new book, The Catechist’s Toolbox: How to Thrive as a Religious Education Teacher is on for pre-ordering! Hint: bulk purchases will be much cheaper from Loyola Press…I’ll let you know when you can purchase online from LP, should you wish to buy in bulk (10 or more). In the meantime, you can call customer service at 800-621-1008.

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For Christians, Every Day is "Father's" Day

Acknowledging that God has no gender and with respect and sensitivity to those who prefer not to use male metaphors for talking about God, I’d like to offer a few thoughts about God on this Father’s Day weekend. (I have no doubt that everything I’m about to say could have been said on Mother’s Day too…I just didn’t think of it then and, being a father myself, these thoughts come more naturally to me!) So […]

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Registering My Daughter for College

The other day, my wife and I took our daughter to register for her first year of college at the University of Illinois, Champaign. Everything went very well and she got all of the classes she needed and we got to see a lot of the campus as well. While she was in the building registering, my wife and I had a chance to scope the grounds and find the Catholic Center! We weren’t about […]

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Teaching Skills

Tasting – A Different Way of Knowing

It occurred to me that, as catechists, we teach a different way of knowing. Certainly we teach knowledge but we also teach wisdom which is a different way of knowing. Jesus said that we are to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength (MK 12:30). We are called to teach others to do just that and I think it is important to realize that the mind is only one way of knowing. […]