Pop-Up Catechesis with Joe Paprocki
Mary and the Saints

Pop-Up Catechesis: Setting Your Children on a Path to Sainthood

“My child, a saint?” That might very well be your first reaction to the title of this post! The reason we might pause  when thinking of our children as potential saints is because we have the erroneous impression of the saints as perfect people, when the saints themselves would be the first to tell you how imperfect they were. First, don’t forget that we have two kinds of saints: those who have been canonized or honored […]

Lord, You Called Me book cover and author photo of Ricardo Grzona
Ignatian Spirituality

Reflecting on Your Calling as a Catechist

One of the themes emphasized in the new Directory for Catechesis (as in the previous General Directory for Catechesis) is the notion that catechists have a vocation. In particular, the new directory says: “The catechist is a Christian who receives a particular calling from God that, when accepted in faith, empowers him for the service of the transmission of faith and for the task of initiating others into the Christian life.” (112) This “particular calling” […]

Pop-Up Catechesis with Joe Paprocki
Mary and the Saints

Pop-Up Catechesis: Practicing Mindfulness Like St. Teresa of Ávila

Throughout the history of the Church, there have been many notable men and women who have mastered the art of contemplation or resting in the presence of God. Today, another word used for contemplation is mindfulness, which, according to author Anne Kertz Kernion, can be described as “being fully anchored in the present moment.” (Spiritual Practices for the Brain) In this episode of Pop-Up Catechesis, we explore the notion of mindfulness as we prepare to […]

A Prayer for Catechists - text next to icons indicating forms of prayer
Prayer/Guided Reflections

Prayer: You Called Me to Forgiveness

Lord, many people have spoken to me about you. I want to know you. I have many things in my life preventing me from seeing you, and many things not in keeping with your teachings separating me from you. They are obstacles on my way to you. I have chosen a lukewarm faith: a Christianity that is comfortable and complacent. I want to overcome these obstacles so that I may know you. I know that […]

being knowing and doing - text on stained glass background
Being a Catechist

Being, Knowing, and Doing

When we speak of someone being a well-rounded person, we are referring to the fact that that person is fully developed and possesses knowledge, capabilities, and skills in a wide range of areas. Catechists are most definitely called to be well-rounded! I was thrilled to see that the new Directory for Catechesis continues to use the language of the previous General Directory for Catechesis that insists that catechist formation be “three dimensional,” focusing on the areas of […]

Pop-Up Catechesis with Joe Paprocki
Prayer/Guided Reflections

Pop-Up Catechesis: Our Lady of the Rosary

Generally, when we visit an art gallery or museum, we take our time, strolling from one piece to another and pausing in front of each one to take it in. We set our gaze upon each work of art and allow it to wash over us. This is a good metaphor for how we pray the Mysteries of the Rosary: each mystery is like a work of art that we stand before and set our […]

Adaptive Finding God Concept Stories
Special Needs

Faith Formation Resources (Digital and Otherwise) for Those with Disabilities

In the midst of the pandemic and the surge in remote learning, one group deserves special attention: those with disabilities, whose needs are too often overlooked, even in normal circumstances. With this in mind, Loyola Press has made a number of adaptive resources available in digital format, since all children deserve an opportunity to discover our faith and build a relationship with God. Be sure to check out the following Adaptive Finding God resources that […]

Sound Collector Chart - downloadable activity
Catechetical Issues & Topics

Sound Collector Chart

Listening is an important life skill for relating to others and foundational for a life of prayer. Help children practice listening by inviting them to be sound collectors. This month’s downloadable activity is inspired by The Virtue of Listening by Aleix Cabrera and Vinyet Montaner. Download the Sound Collector Chart to use with young children at home or in classroom settings. Here are some ways to use the chart in faith formation: Collect sounds in […]

Confirmed in the Spirit digital edition cover
Leading a Parish Program

Doing Confirmation Prep Digitally During the Pandemic

While you may be proceeding with plans for an in-person celebration of Confirmation at some point in 2021, chances are that your Confirmation prep is taking place this fall in the midst of the pandemic. Of course, this means that you are scrambling to figure out how to do Confirmation prep remotely! Never fear, Confirmed in the Spirit—the popular Confirmation preparation program from Loyola Press—is now available digitally! This includes the following: Young People’s Book My […]