reader feedback
Growing as a Catechist

Which Area of Your “Garden” Needs Tending? A Poll Question

Throughout the summer months, many of us spend time tending to our lawns and gardens, ensuring that they are receiving the attention they need to flourish and grow. We make sure they are receiving the nutrients they need, are free from weeds, and are being watered sufficiently. Often, our focus is drawn to one or two “trouble spots” where we know we have to pay some increased attention. In a similar way, summer is a […]

Catholic Faith Formation Facebook Group
Technology in Catechesis

Catholic Faith Formation on Facebook: Join the Group!

Like so many others, I get a lot of my news and information from social media these days. Navigating the terrain of social media requires no small amount of prudence, patience, and discernment in order to wade through the plethora of information and discover the various pearls of great value shared by reliable sources. One such “pearl” from a very reliable source (Loyola Press!) is the Catholic Faith Formation Facebook page that has been around […]

Calling Forth Catechists - text near loudspeakers
Catechist Recruitment

Calling Forth Catechists: Approaches

It’s important in your approach to calling people to serve as catechists to be positive! I’ve seen bulletin announcements that sound so desperate: “We are in dire need of catechists. We keep losing good catechists every year. Without catechists, we may have to cancel our religious education program!” Language like that makes it sound like you’re inviting someone to hop aboard a sinking ship. Present your program in a positive light, and describe the role […]

Bible Stories for Children from Loyola Press

“What’s Your Story?” Inviting Children into a Healthy Narrative

Among the many popular digital entertainment apps available today are those known as “interactive story” apps in which players “enter into” a storyline that is not predetermined and make choices that determine the story’s outcome. One such game, What’s Your Story?, invites players to choose from favorite movies and TV shows and to become a character in the story, making the story their own. The truth is, we all have a story or a narrative […]

Calling Forth Catechists - text near loudspeakers
Catechist Recruitment

Calling Forth Catechists: Your Pool of Candidates

If your efforts to call forth catechists boil down to an “all call” approach (a bulletin announcement inviting anyone to respond to a need), you will not have much success. The most effective way to call people to the vocation of serving as a catechist is through personal invitation! One catechetical leader recently told me that, last year, she made 43 individual contacts (either in person or by phone) and ended up with the best […]

Pope Francis Says posters in English and Spanish
Art and Music in Catechesis

Pope Francis Says… Posters

Decorate your learning space with the inspiring words of Pope Francis. Phrases encouraging joy, prayer, and sharing are paired with vibrant illustrations on a set of posters you can print for your classroom walls. Words and images are from Pope Francis Says… and El Papa Francisco dice…, charming children’s books from Loyola Press. The posters are available in English and in Spanish. Suggestions for Using the Posters Read Pope Francis Says… or El Papa Francisco […]

liturgical calendar - image © Loyola Press. All rights reserved.
Liturgical Seasons & Feasts

Using the Liturgical Calendar to Create a Different Kind of Climate Change

One of the goals of a catechist is to create a climate of prayer in the faith formation setting. In fact, the General Directory for Catechesis tells us that the most effective catechesis takes place within a “climate of prayer.” (GDC 85) Today, more than ever, we are keenly aware of the term climate because of the issue of climate change. Climate refers to the prevailing weather conditions in a region over a long period of […]

Calling Forth Catechists - text near loudspeakers
Catechist Recruitment

Calling Forth Catechists: Why People Volunteer

As you call forth vocations to catechesis, it’s good to know why people volunteer in the first place. Understanding why people volunteer makes it easier to identify and invite people to volunteer. Research shows that people volunteer for the following reasons. Achievement—to learn new skills, accomplish something worthwhile, increase self-esteem Challenge—to stretch themselves, discover gifts and talents Creativity—to express themselves creatively Independence—to undertake a task on their own (separate from spouse or family) Leadership—to develop personal leadership […]

catechist planning class
The Basics

Help! I’m a New Catechist! Where Do I Begin?

When I began my career as a religion teacher, I often had nightmares about teaching classes that were complete disasters. I would wake up in a panic, asking, “Am I ready for this? I don’t really know what I’m doing!” If you are a new catechist and you’re experiencing feelings of trepidation, please know that it is perfectly normal and that you are not alone. Heck, look at all the people in the Bible who […]

Calling Forth Catechists - text near loudspeakers
Catechist Recruitment

Calling Forth Catechists: A Catechist Role Description

As you set forth to call people to the vocation of serving as a catechist, it’s a good idea to have a role description in place to describe what you are calling them to. Be careful not to make your role description so demanding and lofty that not even Jesus would qualify! Keep it simple and basic so as not to scare anyone away but specific enough to narrow the field so that you’re not […]