LENT: Love – Enjoy – Nurture – Transform

LENT: Love – Enjoy – Nurture – Transform

When I was a child, the six weeks of Lent seemed so very long. Growing up in a family and going to a Catholic school where Lent meant giving up the things one really liked was totally common and a given. I still think it is important to consciously sacrifice or give up something, because doing so leaves more room for God and God-like things. Now that I am older, even the time of Lent […]

little girl
Catechetical Leaders

What a Little Girl Taught Me About Strengthening Parish Staffs

Strengthening parish staffs has always been a cause of mine. I have ministered within a school and a parish setting, and in both cases was a part of the parish staff. I have rejoiced to be a member of a parish staff that lived vibrancy. I have also been saddened to be a member of a staff that struggled greatly and needed strengthening in order to exercise its mission and its existence effectively. Living out […]

desk with paperwork
Catechetical Leaders

Ministry Burnout vs. Ministry on Fire

Several years ago, I read an article that truly hit the nail on the head regarding the ministry of directors of religious education. The article was titled, “Unsung (and Underpaid) Heroes of the Parish,” and included this paragraph: The U.S. bishops believe that the “single most critical factor in an effective parish catechetical program is the leadership of a professionally trained parish catechetical leader,” according to the National Directory for Catechesis. A director of religious education […]

child reaching out
Spiritual Growth

The Reality of My Vocation

Most of us recall the saying, “I must hurry and catch up, for I am their leader.” Most days, this is reality. Most days, I think I am so far behind; I will need to live forever in order to complete the many tasks at hand. Many times I wonder why I hurry so much. Is this rushing to live a part of my vocation? Does it have anything to do with the reality of […]

St. Ignatius of Loyola
Ignatian Spirituality

St. Ignatius Asks: How Are You Doing Right Now?

St. Ignatius of Loyola loved to ask: “How are you doing right now?” When I first heard that St. Ignatius asked this, especially when meeting someone for the first time, I felt this huge “how nice” wave rising within the core of my being. As people of the 21st century, often we become so engulfed in our busy schedules. We are intent on trying to figure out which beep or ring to answer first, and […]