Catechists in Action
Catechists in Action

Catechists in Action: Nick Prepares for His Lesson

Welcome to the first segment of Catechists in Action as we watch fifth-grade catechist Nick Yonto prepare for and teach his lesson. In this segment, watch for the following things: Nick arrives 30 minutes before his class begins. Like most catechists, he has had a very busy day, working his full-time job, commuting over an hour to get home, and grabbing a quick bite to eat before flying out the door to get to the […]

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Catechists in Action

Catechists in Action – Get Ready to Meet Nick!

We’re finally ready to show you the video of my visit to Nick’s 5th grade class! Here’ s a little tease and tomorrow, I’ll begin posting segments and commenting on them and inviting you to share your thoughts and experiences.  

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Catechists in Action

Catechists in Action – An Evening with Nick

Last night, I attended 5th grade catechist Nick Yonto’s religious education session at Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in Cary, IL. This was the first installment of my new feature, Catechists in Action, in which I will be visiting and videotaping catechists in the Chicago area, and posting about the experience here on my blog. I thoroughly enjoyed Nick’s class last evening and am working with my colleagues here at Loyola Press to ready the […]

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Being a Catechist

Catechists in Action – Meet Nick!

This year, I’m excited to bring a new feature to Catechist’s Journey – Catechists in Action – in which I will be visiting, observing, and videotaping catechists teaching their classes and blogging about the experience. This will give you an opportunity to see fellow catechists “doing their thing” so that you can compare styles, learn some new strategies, and become a more effective catechist yourself. I already have 5 catechist visits lined up for this year. […]

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Joys and Frustrations

How’s Your Year Going So Far?

I think it’s safe to say that most catechists are well into their new catechetical year, getting to know their students and their themes. How’s it going for you so far? Pick one of the following hymns (or another one of your choice) that best captures how you feel about this year so far and send in a comment sharing your thoughts: Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow (i.e. it can’t get much better than […]

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Catechetical Leaders

An Interesting Update

Some time ago, a catechetical leader shared her comments here about the total revamping of the catechetical program at her parish. I invited her to update us which she has done. Some interesting and innovative approaches: Dear Joe,  I shared with you how we completely revamped our religious ed. program.  You invited me to share more, so “here goes.”   I had been a catechist for about 16 years before I became the Director of Faith […]

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The Catechist’s Toolbox Sweeps into Winnipeg, CA!

I received the most incredible unsolicited endorsement of my book, The Catechist’s Toolbox, from the Archdiocese of Winnipeg in Manitoba, Canada! The Director of Catechetics and Faith Formation, Judy Vermette, sent me the following. (the prayers she is referring to are the prayers at the end of each chapter). Hi Joe, The Archdiocese of Winnipeg and the Archdiocese of St. Boniface have collaborated to bring your book “The Catechist Toolbox” as the theme for a […]

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Creative Moments

9/11 Prayers for Peace

I received the following from Jennifer about what her class did on 9/11 to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the tragedy and to pray for peace. Great job, Jennifer! Joe, I thought you might appreciate what my 8th grade CCD class did on September 11. I’ve copied the email sent to their parents. I’m so proud of them. Thanks, too, for The Catechist’s Toolbox and recent webinar on teaching jr. high classes which have been great […]

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Special Needs

Catechizing Children with Special Needs

While in Cleveland recently, I had a nice conversation with a husband and wife catechist team who catechize children with special needs. I have great admiration for people who dedicate themselves to this challenging yet wonderful ministry. It was the first opportunity I had to tell people personally about a brand new resource designed for catechizing children with special needs. It is the Adaptive First Eucharist Preparation Kit from Loyola Press. I had the privilege of […]