Pop-Up Catechesis with Joe Paprocki
Ten Commandments, Sin, & Morality

Pop-Up Catechesis: The Fifth Commandment and Nurturing Life

We humans tend to be minimalists. And so, when we are given a rule or a law to follow, we tend to look for a minimalist approach to interpret it in such a way that it doesn’t require much of us. A good example is the Fifth Commandment, “You shall not kill.” If this commandment is simply about refraining from committing murder, few of us have any reason to worry; we will most likely not […]

Pop-Up Catechesis with Joe Paprocki
Ten Commandments, Sin, & Morality

Pop-Up Catechesis: The Fourth Commandment and Listening

It seems like podcasts are all the rage these days. There is no shortage of voices we can listen to concerning any subject. Whereas, in conversation, we often ask people what they are reading, today it is also common to ask people who they are listening to. Interestingly enough, this was a question that God had for Adam and Eve when he found them hiding in the bushes after eating the “forbidden fruit.” God asks, […]

girl genuflecting in church - Warling Studios. © Loyola Press. All rights reserved.
Liturgy and Sacraments

Forming Students to Become Church Participants

Church is where we celebrate our faith and receive our sacramental life. In our faith formation program, we either begin or end each catechetical session in the church, because we want to give the students a sense of belonging and help them become familiar with the ritual actions associated with Mass. By including some catechesis in the worship space, we can help children become active participants in the liturgy. Here are a few ways to […]

Pop-Up Catechesis with Joe Paprocki
Ten Commandments, Sin, & Morality

Pop-Up Catechesis: The Third Commandment and the Importance of Being

It’s funny how so many people think of the Ten Commandments solely as prohibitions—rules that say no to everything. While the majority of the Commandments are indeed phrased in the “Thou shall not…” form—prohibiting actions from which we should refrain—the Third Commandment is unique in that it doesn’t tell us to avoid a specific behavior nor does it tell us to perform a specific action. In fact, the Third Commandment, “Remember to keep holy the […]

Saint Brigid of Kildare painting - photo by Glaaaastonbury88 used under CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

The Saints as Missionary Disciples: St. Brigid

This is part three of a series exploring saints who lived as missionary disciples. Often called “Mary of the Gael,” St. Brigid of Ireland is one of Ireland’s most beloved saints and was an important part of my life growing up in Ireland. The parish church in my hometown is called St. Brigid Parish, and we celebrated her feast day on February 1 by making St. Brigid’s crosses and welcoming the coming spring. Much of […]

A Prayer to Listen to the Holy Spirit - text surrounded by birds on light blue clouds
Prayer/Guided Reflections

A Prayer to Listen to the Holy Spirit

The Scriptures remind us that the voice of God often comes in a still, small voice (1 Kings 19:11–13). Practice listening for God’s voice, and invite the Holy Spirit to speak to your group of Confirmation candidates, catechists, or other adults through a prayer service composed by Julianne Stanz. The prayer is inspired by Shhh…God Is in the Silence by Fiona Basile. A copy of the book is needed for the prayer service readings.

Pop-Up Catechesis with Joe Paprocki
Ten Commandments, Sin, & Morality

Pop-Up Catechesis: The Second Commandment and Living Up to Our Name

I remember one time in grade school when I was called on the carpet by the school principal, Sr. Salome, for some type of misbehavior (nothing too serious, I’m sure). As Sr. Salome verbally chastised me, the words that stung the most were, “That’s not what I’d expect from a Paprocki.” Ouch! As the seventh of nine children who all went to the same Catholic elementary school, I had to live up to the reputation that […]

young man serving as lector
Prayer/Guided Reflections

Preparing Prayer Experiences That Are Authentically Catholic

One thing that many catechists struggle with is how to prepare and lead a simple prayer experience in a faith formation setting. Too often, we find ourselves searching the Internet for an inspirational poem or quote that speaks to the occasion, and we end up reciting that as the prayer while everyone else listens. While such poems or quotes may indeed be inspirational, it is important that our prayer experiences are authentically Catholic. That doesn’t […]

Pop-Up Catechesis with Joe Paprocki
Ten Commandments, Sin, & Morality

Pop-Up Catechesis: The First Commandment and Our Attraction to God

The First Commandment is “I am the Lord your God. You shall have no other gods before me.” Each of us has a natural attraction to God, who is always seeking to pull us closer to him as a magnet attracts a piece of metal. Unfortunately, we often let a lot of other things come between us and God. We are attracted to many things that we think will bring us happiness in life. When […]

Black Catholics on the Road to Sainthood Activities Pack
Mary and the Saints

Black Catholics on the Road to Sainthood Activities Pack

Six African Americans are on the path to canonization as Catholic saints. Learn about these inspiring men and women of God through our Black Catholics on the Road to Sainthood activities pack. The pack includes video suggestions with the brief biographies of: Venerable Pierre Toussaint Venerable Mother Mary Lange Venerable Henriette Delille Venerable Father Augustus Tolton Servant of God Julia Greeley Servant of God Sister Thea Bowman, FSPA After learning about these holy people, complete […]