All Saints icon
Mary and the Saints

A Litany of Saints for All Saints Day

As you know, All Saints Day—November 1—is just a couple of weeks away! With that in mind, here is a Litany of Saints that you can use for any age group. What I like about this particular version (by John Becker) is that the people’s responses are so easy to sing. This video also provides some nice images of the saints. Check out All Saints Day resources from Loyola Press, including lesson plans, videos, and activities.

service day - girl with donations box
Catechetical Issues & Topics

Ways for Children to Engage in Works of Mercy

I don’t think we can ever get enough ideas for how to engage children in Works of Mercy. This is something I have blogged about before and have provided resources to assist catechists in this endeavor. Now, the Missionary Childhood Association (MCA) has put together a very nice PDF of ideas to engage children in Works of Mercy. Go here and select the Works of Mercy for Kids option. Founded in 1843, the Missionary Childhood Association (formerly Holy Childhood […]

Creative Ways to Pray the Rosary - several rosaries hanging on wall
Prayer/Guided Reflections

Creative Ways to Pray the Rosary

Teaching children to pray the Rosary does not have to be monotonous and painful. Since every child interacts with the world around him or her differently, Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences can help catechists make praying the Rosary a positive experience. Here are some creative ways to engage the eight “signs” of intelligence proposed by Gardner. Try praying the Rosary using a different technique each month, or offer several choices for the class as […]

soup kitchen - service
Catechetical Issues & Topics

Called to Serve One Another

Many who serve in catechetical ministry believe they are answering God’s call. While introducing myself to parents and students on the first day of religious education classes at my former ministry site, I mentioned that I drove an hour one way to get there. One very confused dad asked, “But why are you here?” Without hesitation I responded, “Because I am called to be here.” I genuinely believe God asked me to serve this community. With […]

Wassily Kandinsky - "All Saints Day I" - public domain via
High School/Youth Ministry

Friends, Not Statues: Three Ways to Teach About the Saints

There are many ways we can teach about the saints. We can ask young people to write a report about their favorite saints. We can have the class choose a patron saint. We can include facts about saints in our weekly lessons. But when I think about the way I talk about my friends, I don’t talk about them as if they were a collection of facts from a Wikipedia page. I don’t say what […]

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Junior High

Electing a Patron Saint for the Classroom

In this election year, I’ve decided to use a general outline of the political process as a multi-week activity for my seventh-grade class to learn about the saints. I’ll frame this lesson as selecting a patron saint for our year together. This will be an opportunity to look to the saints as role models who exhibit heroic virtues worthy of examples of the Christian life. First, we’ll meet the pool of candidates. I’ll help the […]

Mother Teresa of Calcutta - Manfredo Ferrari under CC BY-SA 4.0
Mary and the Saints

“Smiles Generate Smiles”: Sharing Mother Teresa in the Classroom

Mother Teresa of Calcutta was one of the most beloved people in the world during her life. Her life, words, and works are admired by Christians and non-Christians alike. Since her canonization occurs during the school year, catechists have a special opportunity to teach about her life to their students. My third graders will be learning about Mother Teresa by listening to her story, hearing from a parent who has a personal connection to her, and […]

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Catechetical Issues & Topics

World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation: September 1

Beginning last year, Pope Francis has called for Catholics to celebrate the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation on September 1. Here are a number of things you and those you teach can do to observe this day: Sign the Catholic Climate Petition. Join the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation Facebook event. Pray a prayer composed by Pope Francis for his encyclical, Laudato Si’. Pray the Rosary using […]

Simple Tips for Leading a Simple Prayer

Simple Tips for Leading a Simple Prayer

While it is true that we can pray simply and spontaneously, at more formal gatherings, our prayer is to resemble how we pray at Mass. In other words, the prayer is meant to be liturgical, which means that it should have a basic structure. This means including parts for the assembly, including Scripture, and including elements of sign, symbol, and ritual. Many of us have never been taught how to prepare and lead a simple […]