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Comings & Goings

I’m Back!

I’m back from vacation and ready to rock and roll! (Must be that stop at the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland while on vacation! BTW, one of the most interesting things to see there is the diversity of visitors – saw a kid with a mohawk haircut standing next to an elderly person in a wheelchair, observing an exhibit…very cool!) I had a very nice couple of weeks off to relax and renew. […]

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Comings & Goings

BKD in The Big Easy

This past Saturday, I had the joy and privilege of conducting a Being, Knowing, and Doing professional development workshop for a wonderful group of catechetical leaders (and a few catechists as well) in New Orleans. It was my first trip to the Big Easy and it was SO enjoyable. Many, many thanks to the great folks who made me feel so at home there and contributed to a most productive day of looking at how […]

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Comings & Goings

A Peek at My Springfield Trip

Over the past few days, I’ve enjoyed a visit to Springfield, IL, for the installation of my brother Tom as bishop. We had a wonderful time and it was a fantastic celebration. Here are a few pics. In the sacristy after the Installation Mass with just part of the family.           A visit from Abraham Lincoln at the reception at the Old State Capitol               […]

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The 4 Pillars of Our Faith: the Moral Life

This week, I’m featuring short excerpts from my book, A Well-Built Faith, focusing on the 4 pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Here’s a brief look at the third pillar: the Moral Life. Country and Western songs tend to be filled with heart ache, telling tales of good loving gone bad. Two people in love are supposed to treat each other in a certain way and when that doesn’t happen, relationships faith. Just […]

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The 4 Pillars of Our Faith: Sacraments

This week, I’m featuring short excerpts from my book, A Well-Built Faith, focusing on the 4 pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Here’s a brief look at the second pillar: the Sacraments. To be sacramental is to express beyond words. Catholics are sacramental because human beings are sacramental. Humans express love in a variety of ways beyond words. We do not feel that our love is fully expressed unless we can reach out […]

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The Four Pillars of Our Faith: the Creed

This week, I’m featuring short excerpts from my book, A Well-Built Faith, focusing on the 4 pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Here’s a brief look at the first pillar: the Creed. Believing is something that we do, not only with our heads, but with our hearts. The following story illustrates this. A stunt man was thrilling crowds gathered at the Niagara Falls, making his way across a tightrope that stretched from one […]

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Comings & Goings

Rockin’ in Rockville Centre, NY!

Over the next couple of days, I’ll be spending time with a number of catechetical leaders in Rockville Centre, NY, talking about how to take care of our catechists! At least I don’t have to worry anymore about where and how I’m gonna catch the next Blackhawks’ playoff game while I’m on the road. The only thing I may miss is a Cubs game and, with the way they’re playing this year, that’s not a […]

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Comings & Goings

Thanks, Seattle!

I enjoyed my first visit to Seattle and spent the day with about 100 catechetical leaders talking about how to care for our catechists. I had a wonderful time and I’d like to thank all the good folks in Seattle who welcomed me and made me feel so at home. Thanks also for all of the wonderful participation in this day of formation. You inspired me greatly! Here are the smiling faces that I got […]

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Comings & Goings

Shout Out to Columbus, Ohio

A great big SHOUT OUT to all the good folks of the Diocese of Columbus, Ohio, who came out to spend a day with me exploring how to take care of our catechists, ensuring that their formation pays attention to 3 dimensions: being, knowing, and doing. Thanks for such a great day!                   Mixing pleasure with business, I was able to bring my mom along to Columbus […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings

Dinner with 600 (give or take) of My Best Friends!

Last night, my wife and I had the pleasure of attending the annual Chicago Archdiocesan Catechetical Ministries Awards Banquet at the Drury Lane in Oak Brook. This wonderful affair is a celebration of all things catechetical and is attended by over 600 catechists, DREs, pastors, and archdiocesan officials, including Cardinal Francis George, OMI, the Archbishop of Chicago. The evening is an opportunity for the Archdiocese to recognize 8 Archdiocesan honorees as well as a bevy […]