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Comings & Goings

Mixing Business with Pleasure

I had the pleasure of enjoying a business lunch the other day with colleagues and friends to talk about the challenges and opportunities that Anglos encounter when catechizing in Latino culture. My Loyola Press colleague, Santiago Cortés-Sjöberg, is preparing to do a workshop on this topic at the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership in Las Vegas in April (I will also be speaking at this conference, but on a different topic…I was along for the fellowship […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings

Oops! My Bad!

Thanks to Jennifer Schneider, Director of Faith Formation, and her staff at St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church in New Prague, MN, for alerting me to the fact that I made a big boo-boo on question #1 of the What’s Your Catholic IQ? in the current issue of Catechist Magazine. Here’s her email: Joe We are having a bit of a dilemma here at our office around a question in the Catechist Magazine catholic IQ. The question […]

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Comings & Goings

Thanks, Detroit!

I spent a wonderful day with about 75 catechetical leaders in Detroit today at a gathering sponsored by the Detroit Society of Catechetical Leaders. We talked about A Well-Built Faith and how we can help our catechists (and those they teach) to be able to grasp their faith and be able to talk about it with greater ease. Thanks for your hospitality and best wishes to all of you in the Detroit Archdiocese!

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Comings & Goings

Detroit Society of Catechetical Leaders

Greetings from Detroit where I’m spending the morning with the Detroit Society of Catechetical Leaders talking about A Well-Built Faith! Luckily I did not have to miss one of my Monday night sessions with my 8th graders since yesterday, March 1, was Casimir Pulaski Day in Illinois, a state holiday, so we had no class. This coming Sunday is  Confirmation and for once, I have the opportunity to actually attend the Confirmation Mass to see […]

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Comings & Goings

Nice Story About My South Carolina Presentation!

The Archdiocese of Charleston, South Carolina, ran a nice story in their paper about the Scripture presentation I did there last week!

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Comings & Goings

Wavin' Their Bibles in South Carolina!

Here’s a pic of about 100 happy catechists and DREs in Columbia, South Carolina, proudly waving their Bibles on Saturday! I enjoyed a wonderful day with them as we focused on the Catholic approach to Scripture…something that is much needed in the Bible Belt! Thanks to all the good folks who extended their always-warm Southern hospitality!

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Joe's Comings and Goings

In My Mind, I'm Goin' to Carolina…

Actually, not only in my mind but also in my body! I’m off to Charotte, North Carolina for a couple of presentations before heading to Columbia, SouthCarolina for a presentation on Saturday! I look forward to meeting lots of catechists and DREs from the Carolinas. Thought maybe I’d catch a break from the Chicago weather for a few days but it sounds like our midswestern winter weather is following me there! Oh well, I’ll just […]

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Comings & Goings


I had the most wonderful time in Bridgeport, CT, yesterday, spending the day with about 150 of the nicest people in the world (I know, I always say that, but HEY, catechetical ministers are some of the nicest people in the whole world!). Thanks to Carol Pinard (director of the catechetical office) and all the good folks of Bridgeport for their hospitality! Here’s a peek:

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Joe's Comings and Goings

My Latest Contribution to Busted Halo

Here is my latest contribution to The Busted Halo Question Box: Why are the non-canonical gospels not considered valid? Also, here’s the link to my radio interview yesterday with Relevant Radio…click on Hour 2.

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Joe's Comings and Goings

What's Your Catholic IQ?

Of the many hats that I wear, one of them is as the author of the regular feature What’s Your Catholic IQ? in Catechist Magazine. Lots of catechists enjoy this regular feature and I enjoy writing it because I learn a lot in my research! Check it out: What’s Your Catholic IQ? January, 2010.