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Advent: Love is Coming!

Back in the day, 1970 to be exact, Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young released a song titled Carry On. In the refrain they sang, Carry on. Love is coming. Love is coming to us all. I thought of this song this past Sunday while at Mass for the First Sunday of Advent. No, my mind wasn t drifting! Actually, quite the reverse. The pastor was delivering a splendid homily about the Gospel’s call for us […]

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Welcome Advent! A Prayer Service

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I know I did! 🙂 Here we are in the First Week of Advent! Hard to believe this great season of joyful anticipation is upon us already. Tonight, we’ll be celebrating an Advent Prayer service with the kids in church. I had the privilege of working with my DRE, Arlene, to put together the prayer service. Here it is: Advent 2010 Prayer Service After the prayer service, […]

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The Ascension: Did Jesus Really Go Up?

As we prepare to celebrate the Feast of the Ascension, it might be good to look at an FAQ associated with this feast, namely, “Isn’t the Ascension of Jesus based on outdated science?” I have to admit that this question has popped into my mind, making me wonder just what it is that we are celebrating on this feast. If science has shown that “heaven” is not to be equated with “outer space,” then where […]

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Easter Season Lessons?

Happy Easter everyone!!! I received the following email from Margaret Ann, asking for some help. Hi Joe, I started putting together my next Family Program for the Home Schooler Rel. Ed. folks at my parish. I’m thinking along the lines of the Easter Season Readings/Feast Days – Ascension, Pentecost. I am leaning on the theme of New Growth, Gardening, Spring, Rogation Days (the ritual of blessing the fields – this year they are May 10, 11, […]

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Alleluia! The Easter Vigil

The Easter Vigil last night at St. Julie Billiart Parish in Tinley Park was exquisite! What a beautiful experience of celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord! Here are the catechumens and candidates gathered around the soon-to-be-lit fire. The Easter fire is lit in the darkened narthex of the church. The Deacon did a wonderful job of singing the Exsultet…the Easter Proclamation…in the darkened church lit now by the candles held by all the faithful. The […]

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Good Friday Graces

The graces of the Triduum continue to flow as we marked the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion and the Veneration of the Cross on this Good Friday at St. Julie Billart Parish in Tinley Park (this is where my wife and I usually attend Mass on Sundays).                 The solemn beginning in which we prostrate ourselves (through the priest and deacon) before the Cross reminds us of the […]

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Passport to the Holy Land

Holy Week is a time in which we figuratively transport ourselves over time and space to the Holy Land to walk with Jesus on the road to Calvary. One Director of Religious Education, Victor Valdez, invites parishioners to walk this journey in a creative and unique way by having the children of the religious education program reconstruct a miniature Holy Land on the Parish Green! The site includes displays of the areas of Nazareth, Bethlehem, […]

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My Favorite Lenten Joke

You probably haven’t come across too many Lenten jokes, but here’s one that I enjoy! A bartender notices that every evening, without fail, one of his patrons orders three beers. After several weeks of noticing this pattern, the bartender asks the man why he always orders three beers. The man says, “I have two brothers who have moved away to different countries. We promised each other that we would always order an extra two beers […]

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A Lenten Poll

Now that we are into our second full week of Lent, I thought it would be good to pause and take stock of our efforts to practice the Lenten disciplines of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Take a moment to complete the poll below and, remember, you’re welcome to send me a confidential email once per week to let me know in more detail how you are doing with your Lenten practices and I’ll respond personally. […]

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More Lent Ideas

My friend and colleague Denise, who is also a catechist, has drawn my attention to a creative Website named Catholic Icing, run by Lacy a wife and mother who dabbles in Catholic art. One great idea in particular that Lacy shares is a Stations of the Cross Box. As we head into the 2nd Sunday of Lent, here’s a reminder to check the following: Sunday Connection for 2nd Sunday of Lent, year C Recording of […]