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Overdoing the Celebration of Culture

Saint Patrick’s Day will fall during Holy Week this year for the first time since 1940. This means that there will be no Mass in honor of St. Patrick on March 17 which is the Monday of Holy Week (according to the U.S. bishops’ Secretariat of Divine Worship). Many Catholic bishops are asking for even more sensitivity to this overlap by urging parades and festivities to be scheduled outside of Holy Week. Many cities and […]

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Pray for Our Young Catechists

The following thoughts are from George, a young catechist from out West, who sent me an e-mail sharing some of his thoughts about being a catechist. Let’s pray for this thoughtful young man and for all of our young catechists and potential catechists out there! As you already know, being a teenager has its ups and downs.  Most of the time, I am faced with the challenge of finding scholarships for college and finding time for […]

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Valentine's Day and Outward Signs

I find Valentine’s Day to be a wonderful opportunity to talk about the Church’s sacramental life. A traditional definition of a sacrament is “an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace.” For the most part, this is a good definition, especially the phrase “outward sign.” Catholic sacramentality basically expresses our belief that the invisible God can be recognized and encountered through the physical world. That’s why we use water, oil, bread, wine, flame, etc. […]

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A Meditative Test

In two weeks (we have no class this coming Monday), the 8th graders will be given their Confirmation Test/Assessment. As I’ve been explaining to them, this is not a pass or fail proposition, but rather, an assessment of each student’s grasp of the basic content of the Catholic faith. For those who do not do well on the assessment, my aide and I will design some steps to take to assist them in grasping the […]

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Pope Benedict XVI Speaks About Catechists

Here’s what Pope Benedict XVI recently said about catechists: VATICAN CITY, FEB. 8, 2008 ( The secret to being a good catechist is to live what you preach, Benedict XVI told the bishops of Costa Rica. The Pope said this today upon receiving the prelates in audience, led by the president of the episcopal conference, Bishop José Francisco Ulloa Rojas of Cartago. The bishops are in Rome for their five-yearly visit. After discussing the possibility […]

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Report Cards Done

I finished and turned in my report cards last night for religious education. Parents are invited this coming Monday evening to an Open House to visit their child’s class and they can pick up report cards on that night. I look forward to meeting those who will attend. Completing the report cards was not too difficult and it was made especially easy because I have such a good class of kids. Very few of my […]

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Report Cards

The program I serve in issues report cards at the middle and end of the program. Tonight, I’ll work on these for the “1st semester.” They are very basic…I indicate their attendance record, provide a “rating” on some basic criteria and then write a comment. A grade (A, B, C, etc.) is not involved. These are to be ready by Wednesday so that they can be organized in time for next Monday when we will host […]

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The Gift of Fortitude

Over the weekend, I had the privilege of going to San Francisco for the first time in my life. I spent 2 days with a group of catechists and catechetical leaders exploring the relationship between catechesis and liturgy. I met many wonderful people there and in particular, was inspired by a catechetical leader (who also teaches 8th grade RE) who exemplifies the gift of fortitude. Victor is a very friendly, outgoing young man, with a […]

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all catechists and catechetical leaders! With each year comes another opportunity for us to serve the Lord by proclaiming the Gospel to another generation. May this New Year be filled with many blessings and may the Holy Spirit inspire us to teach with enthusiasm, confidence, boldness, creativity, and, above all, love!

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Catechists: Inspired by the Herald Angels

As we celebrate this Christmas season, let the Herald Angels be an inspiration for us catechists. To be a herald is to be a bearer of the Good News. Each time we teach, we bring tidings of great joy: God is with us in Jesus Christ! We are, indeed, privileged to be heralds of the Gospel. May the Herald Angels inspire you this Christmas season and throughout the New Year! God’s blessings during this Christmas […]