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What are some of the ways you are helping those you teach to respond to the crisis in Haiti? How are you making this a catechetical moment?

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Christmas Blessings to All!

I’d like to take this opportunity, before signing off for the holidays, to wish each and everyone of you a very blessed Christmas! May Jesus be born again in each of our hearts and, as catechists, may we help others to experience the birth of Christ in their lives. Here are a few words from our Holy Father that we can all take to heart: “Today, as in the time of Jesus, Christmas is not […]

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A Catechist of HOW MANY Years?

72 years as a catechist! That’s right…Maureen Power, 87 years of age from Marrrickville (Australia) was recently honored for her 72 years of service as a catechist! She began at the age of 16 and has never looked back. God bless her and all catechists who dedicate themselves to proclaiming God’s Word to people of all ages! Have a great weekend!

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Catechists and Spiritual Direction

At one time (and perhaps in the minds of many people still today), spiritual direction was considered something reserved for the “spiritual elite” – priests and religious. Today, more and more lay people are discovering the value of spiritual direction. I’ve been seeing a spiritual director for about 5 years now and find it extremely enriching. At a recent presentation I was giving, I asked catechists what they are doing for their own ongoing spiritual […]

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As We Approach the Conclusion of Our Online Retreat…

It’s hard to believe but we are actually approaching the conclusion of our online retreat for catechists! Next week marks Week 7 of our journey together and it has been and continues to be a remarkable experience of sharing faith with fellow catechists and growing in our spirituality. Of course, it’s always good to evaluate! As we move towards putting this retreat in our rear-view mirrors, I invite you to evaluate the experience and give […]

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Heartfelt Condolences to Fellow-Blogger and Author Amy Welborn

 I wish to extend my deepest sympathies to fellow author and blogger, the highly respected Amy Welborn, on the sudden and tragic death of her husband Michael. Please join me in praying for and with Amy at this very difficult time. Eternal rest grant unto Michael,O Lord, And let perpetual Light shine upon him. May his soul And the souls of all the faithful departed Through the mercy of God Rest in peace. Amen.

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Religious Education Month in New England

It turns out the November is Religious Education Month in New England. This designation was decided upon by the New England Conference of Diocesan Directors of Religious Education. Its goal is to celebrate religious education beyond catechetical Sunday. All 12 New England dioceses participate in this month long celebration. Bravo! One of the twelve dioceses, Manchester, is featuring the stories of catechists. I came across this brief interview with a catechist named Jeanne C. Pinard […]

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Chicago to Austin, TX!

I enjoyed the morning at the Chicago Catechetical Conference at the Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont. I did a Bible workshop for about 200 Catholic school teachers, catechists, DREs, etc. We had a good time and it was great to strategize ways to build up our kids’ knowledge of the Bible. Now, I’m off to Austin, Texas, to speak at their Catechetical Conference on Saturday. The topic: The Language of Mystery! Have a great weekend!

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Young People and the Bible

I’m preparing for a presentation I will give at the Chicago Catechetical Conference this Friday morning – my topic is “5 Steps to Increase Your Students’ Bible IQ Dramatically.” Lo and behold, I find that the bishops at the Synod focusing on Scripture have something to say about the “secret” (I hate when they use that word!) for getting young people to read the Bible. Rather than the “secret,” I think what they are talking […]