Advent wreath

School-Wide Advent Wreath Prayer Service

I love the way we celebrate Advent at my school. Every Monday the entire school—all 515 students and their teachers—gather in the auditorium to pray and sing traditional Advent carols. Our tradition is simple and beautiful. In the center of the auditorium is a table, upon which sits an Advent wreath with a purple bow. The wreath cradles four pillar candles—three purple and one pink. A group of cantors stand off to one side, and […]

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Technology in Catechesis

Technology, Prayer, and Catechesis

When it comes to prayer, many of us think that it is a prerequisite to turn off all electronic devices that might distract us. Although we certainly need to cut down on distractions, the truth is, the world of cyberspace offers us numerous opportunities to deepen our prayer lives. With that in mind, I encourage you to read an excellent article by my friend Jonathan Sullivan, Executive Director of the Department of Evangelization, Education, and […]

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Resources for Day of Prayer for Peace in Our Communities—September 9, 2016

On Friday, September 9, 2016, the Church in the United States will observe a special day of prayer dedicated to peace and justice in our communities and in our nation. My friend Jonathan Sullivan has put together a list of suggestions and resources for his home diocese of Lafayette, IN, and he is graciously sharing these with the rest of us. Thanks, Jonathan! Resources for Day of Prayer for Peace in Our Communities

man praying in church
Growing as a Catechist

Three Ways to Nurture a Catechist’s Prayer Life

Prayer is an essential component in the life of a catechist. Prayer helps us stay connected to Jesus Christ, the Master Catechist who works through us in our ministry, who strengthens us with the grace to do our ministry well, and who desires to be in relationship with us and with our students. How can we help our catechists maintain a life of prayer? Here are three ways. 1. Keep it simple. We often think […]

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Catechetical Issues & Topics

World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation: September 1

Beginning last year, Pope Francis has called for Catholics to celebrate the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation on September 1. Here are a number of things you and those you teach can do to observe this day: Sign the Catholic Climate Petition. Join the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation Facebook event. Pray a prayer composed by Pope Francis for his encyclical, Laudato Si’. Pray the Rosary using […]

man praying with young person
Being a Catechist

The Power of Prayer: Three Ways to Model Discipleship

Peter, a director of religious education at a parish, asked Susan if prayer was interwoven into her classroom. “But I don’t have time to pray with my students and still get all of the material covered!” Susan answered, exasperated. “The most important thing,” Peter assured her, “is to model a life of discipleship grounded in prayer.” “Why?” Susan asked. “Because without the deep breath of prayer,” Peter replied, “our students will never believe that we […]

Simple Tips for Leading a Simple Prayer

Simple Tips for Leading a Simple Prayer

While it is true that we can pray simply and spontaneously, at more formal gatherings, our prayer is to resemble how we pray at Mass. In other words, the prayer is meant to be liturgical, which means that it should have a basic structure. This means including parts for the assembly, including Scripture, and including elements of sign, symbol, and ritual. Many of us have never been taught how to prepare and lead a simple […]

Featured Video
Spiritual Growth

A Prayer for Play

It’s important for those involved in catechetical ministries to take time for self-care, and that includes time for fun! Today we ask for eyes and hearts open to see whimsy and to take part in play. Prayer for Play God who made each and every living being, I know there’s a fun and whimsical aspect to you because there is no complete logical explanation for the way kittens play, and children say the most accurate, […]

Mike Lorenzo and the 1 Percent Prayer Challenge
Adult Faith Formation

The 1% Prayer Challenge

What would happen if you gave 15 minutes of your day completely to God? That’s what Mike Lorenzo is asking the community at St. John the Evangelist Parish in St. John, Indiana. Mike is the Pastoral Associate for Evangelization at the parish. He works closely with the pastor and his colleagues to instill a desire to be closer to God and strengthen their prayer lives. Over the Lenten and Easter seasons they launched an initiative […]

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Prayer/Guided Reflections

Starting Your Meeting with Prayer

This is the final article in a series about leading prayer. If you have read the previous installments of this series on leading prayer, you have prepared or practiced strategies for leading group prayer at a gathering or meeting: Setting the Stage: Creating the Space for Prayer (When we pray in a space other than church, it is essential to include symbols, sacramentals, images, and more.) Best Practices for Leading Group Prayer (Prayer is part […]