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Getting Started as a Catechist

Webinar Part Two Tomorrow!

I’m gearing up for Part Two of my Getting Started as a Catechist Webinar – tomorrow evening, Thursday, September 2, 2010, at 7 pm (CDT). There’s still time to register! Facilitator: Joe Paprocki, DMin Brought to you by Loyola Press, A Jesuit Ministry Thursday, September 2, 2010: Part Two 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. (CST) [Find out what time this is for you.] Becoming a catechist is exciting and, let’s face it, somewhat intimidating! New catechists […]

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Getting Started as a Catechist


Today’s post is all about Webinars! First, here is a link to the recording of last week’s Webinar, Getting Started as a Catechist, Part One. Second, here is a link to register for Getting Started as a Catechist, Part Two, which will take place on Thursday, September 2, 2010. Finally, continuing our follow-up from Getting Started as a Catechist, Part One, here are some more Q & A: _______________________________________________________________ Sue Q:  Do you have suggestions […]

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Getting Started as a Catechist

Webinar Follow-Up: Q & A

During our Webinar on Wednesday evening, many catechists sent in some excellent questions. Here’s a sampling along with my responses. There’s more to come in the days ahead! Dawn Q: ­where can we get the opening prayer that you used?­ A: I adapted the prayer from Catechetical Sunday prayers which you can find at the U.S. Bishops’ Web site: and  ________________________________________________________________  ­Julie Q: ­I teach kids under the age of 10 and I […]

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Getting Started as a Catechist

Getting Started as a Catechist Webinar – Part TWO!

Here’s the full information about the upcoming PART TWO of my Webinar: Getting Started as a Catechist! Facilitator: Joe Paprocki, DMin Brought to you by Loyola Press, A Jesuit Ministry Thursday, September 2, 2010: Part Two 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. (CST)[Find out what time this is for you.] Becoming a catechist is exciting and, let’s face it, somewhat intimidating! New catechists are eager to learn some basic teaching skills to help them gain confidence as […]

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11 Tips for Lesson Planning

Planning and preparation are key to the success of any catechist. Here are 11 tips to help you with your lesson planning: Long-Range Planning—The lesson you are planning is only part of a larger plan for the whole year. Make sure you get a picture of the whole calendar year and see how much time you have to carry out what you hope to accomplish. Get a good “feel” for how this lesson can build […]

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Prayer/Guided Reflections

Who Taught You to Pray?

One of the best discussions we had at the Being, Knowing, and Doing seminar in Seattle, WA, last week and Rockville Centre, NY, this week centered around the questions of “who taught you to pray? and what are your earliest memories of prayer?” These are good questions to spark a discussion with catechists to get them thinking about how they pray as an adult (so that they in turn are more conscious of how they […]

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Please note, we do NOT issue certificates for viewing recordings of Webinars. A New Catechesis for the New Evangelization: New Ardor, Methods, and Expression Catechists are at the forefront of the New Evangelization. We are called to “re-propose” the Gospel to the world, relying on an approach that is “new in its ardor, methods, and expression.” (St. John Paul II)In this Webinar, Joe Paprocki, DMin, will explore what a “new catechesis for the New Evangelization” […]

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Catechetical Leaders

What the DREs Are Saying

I spent a very enjoyable and productive day today with about 45 DREs in the Diocese of Rockville Centre, NY, talking about caring for our catechists. We looked specifically at how we can offer them formation in the areas of being, knowing, and doing, as outlined in the General Directory for Catechesis. In the course of our day, the folks offered lots of thoughts and comments. Here is a summary of just a few thoughts […]

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Teaching Church Behavior

Last night, we had our end-of-the-year grade level meeting with Arlene, our DRE, and we talked about how things went this year and what we can do better next year. One of the main issues that came up was our concern over the kids’ behavior in church when we go over for prayer services or Mass. Each year, we go to the church probably five or six times: opening prayer for the year, Advent Reconciliation, […]

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Vocations Website

For Your Vocation, a new Web site, is an initiative of the Bishops of the United States, and is meant to be a resource for men and women in discernment, as an aid for promoting a vocation culture within the home, and a range of tools for educators, youth leaders and vocation directors. The bishops’ goals for this site are To help individuals hear and respond to the call by God to the priesthood or […]