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A Lenten Poll

Now that we are into our second full week of Lent, I thought it would be good to pause and take stock of our efforts to practice the Lenten disciplines of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Take a moment to complete the poll below and, remember, you’re welcome to send me a confidential email once per week to let me know in more detail how you are doing with your Lenten practices and I’ll respond personally. […]

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Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross Resources

I spent some time looking up some good resources on the Stations of the Cross. Some are online resources, some are downloadable, some are especially for children, others are for general audiences. I hope these are helpful as you plan on praying the Stations of the Cross with your group during Lent. The Stations of the Cross with Mary – Then and Now (Creighton University) – four-page handout The Stations of the Cross (Creighton University) – […]

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Lenten Calendars: Just in the Nick of Time!

Just in the nick of time, I have tracked down my friend Victor V. who provided us with a Lenten Calendar last year for the 40 Ideas for 40 Days feature, and he has been gracious enough to quickly update the calendar for 2010 and share it with us…thanks, Victor! So here’s the link to that: MY LENTEN CALENDAR 2010 Also, I received another Lenten Calendar from Nancy P. who says that this one is […]

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Comings & Goings

Nice Story About My South Carolina Presentation!

The Archdiocese of Charleston, South Carolina, ran a nice story in their paper about the Scripture presentation I did there last week!

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Making Lent Simple, but Not Easy

Lenten Webinar: Thanks for Participating!

Thanks so much for participating in my Lenten Webinar! I enjoyed spending the time with you exploring the disciplines of Lent in a fresh new way. Along the way, I promised that I’d post some links here for your convenience. Here they are: Praying Lent Praying the Rosary Multimedia Stations of the Cross for Children Liturgy of the Hours Catholic Prayers for Catholic Families The Meal Box Radical Compassion Send me an email once a […]

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Lent: 40 Ideas for 40 Days!

Last year, during Lent, I offered 40 ideas in 40 days – 40 creative ways to engage those you teach in the mystery of the Lenten season. This year, I am happy to provide all 40 of those ideas in one convenient list with links to each of their descriptions! Enjoy and please share with me (us) how you’re using these ideas and any variations or ideas of your own that you’ve come up with!!! […]

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Junior High

Helping Kids Write General Intercessions

From time to time, we invite kids to compose General Intercessions for a Mass or prayer service. Here’s a little something that can help get the wheels turning so that their intercessions are coming from their deepest desires. We’ll be using this in our upcoming Confirmation Intensive this Monday evening to have the kids compose General Intercessions for the Confirmation Mass. The activity begins by asking the kids to imagine that they have been granted 3 wishes […]

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Mary and the Saints

Teaching About Mary on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Here is an idea for teaching about Mary on this Feast of the Immaculate Conception. It’s from The Sunday Connection: Tell the young people that some people benefit from having connections in high places. Invite them to imagine to whom they wish they had a connection. Distribute index cards to the young people and have them complete the following sentence: I wish I knew someone who… (Example: I wish I knew someone who could get […]

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An Advent Retreat!

Here’s another opportunity for you to find enrichment during this wonderful Advent season. Loyola Press is hosting an Advent retreat on the Days of Deepening Frienship Web site. The retreat features a new Advent article each week written by some pretty talented authors! November 30: James Martin, SJ, shares tips on going from the secular to the spiritual in our Christmas preparations and celebrations. December 7:  Liz Kelly will share some insight on Advent rituals […]