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Joys and Frustrations

Delightful Banter

I have to admit that for me, making “small talk” does not always come easy. When it comes to interacting socially with students, I’m not necessarily the “warm and fuzzy” type, at least not right off the bat. I’m professionally pleasant and cordial but it takes me a while to let my guard down and just be myself. Last night, I was pleasantly “disarmed” by one of the young people who asked at the outset, […]

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Joys and Frustrations

Holy Spirit as Advocate

Overall, Week 3 (last night’s class) went very well. Along the way, however, I encountered a few things that I’m not satisfied with and hope to change. Here’s the run-down: We began with a brief prayer and I thought I would introduce the idea of the young people sharing petitions – very simply, thanking God for blessings and praying for the needs of others and/or our own needs. I gave a few examples and told them […]

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Getting to Know Your New Textbook/Catechist Manual

I’ll be meeting tonight with 30-40 catechists in Munster, Indiana, to help them get to know the new textbook series they’ve adopted (Christ Our Life, 2009). Becoming familiar with a new textbook and the catechist manual is a crucial step in your planning and preparation process. If you are using a textbook/catechist manual for the first time this year, here are a few pointers that may be helpful: Read through the children’s book first…get to […]

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Creative Moments

Inspiration from the Olympics

Many people, including me, see great parallels between athletics and the spiritual life. To me, the greatest parallel is that both require discipline. The biggest difference, however, is that, while in athletics, one needs discipline in order to achieve something, in the spiritual life, one needs discipline in order to receive something! Of course, we do not earn or achieve grace as if striving to earn or achieve a gold medal. On the other hand, […]

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Report Cards Done

I finished and turned in my report cards last night for religious education. Parents are invited this coming Monday evening to an Open House to visit their child’s class and they can pick up report cards on that night. I look forward to meeting those who will attend. Completing the report cards was not too difficult and it was made especially easy because I have such a good class of kids. Very few of my […]

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Guided Reflections

The other day, I wrote about leading children in reflective prayer or meditation. People often ask just what this “looks like.” I thought it would be helpful to share an example. The following guided reflection is from Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts, Grade 5 (Loyola Press): Called to Holiness Time: approximately 10 minutes We all have imagination. Imagination allows us to go places and to do things that might otherwise be impossible. Today […]

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Joys and Frustrations

Jesus' "First" Words

A lot of attention is often given to peoples’ last words. In the Christian tradition, we focus on the 7 last words of Christ. During this Easter season, I think it is crucial that we pay attention to the Risen Christ’s “first” words – following the Resurrection. “PEACE BE WITH YOU.” These words are so important for us to hear, especially in the wake of the Virginia Tech massacre. What this world needs is peace […]