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Creative Moments

A Creative Way to Look Up Scripture Verses

Do you remember learning how to locate passages in the Bible? Those of us who teach religious education to children realize that we have to teach this every year. We must create opportunities in class for kids to find Scripture verses on their own. One day when I realized we would have a short class, I decided to use the opportunity to reinforce how to find chapter and verse in the Bible. But I wanted […]

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Comings & Goings

Thank You, Rochester, NY!

I spent a wonderful day in Rochester, NY, yesterday. In the afternoon, I met with about 100 catechetical leaders and in the evening with about 40 catechists – both times focusing on the concept of sacramentality and how our sacramental preparation efforts can be more evangelizing. Thanks to Jonathan Schott, Consultant for Catechist Faith Formation for the Diocese of Rochester, and to all of the staff of the catechetical office for organizing the events and […]