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Comings & Goings

Mixing Business with Pleasure

I had the pleasure of enjoying a business lunch the other day with colleagues and friends to talk about the challenges and opportunities that Anglos encounter when catechizing in Latino culture. My Loyola Press colleague, Santiago Cortés-Sjöberg, is preparing to do a workshop on this topic at the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership in Las Vegas in April (I will also be speaking at this conference, but on a different topic…I was along for the fellowship […]

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Comings & Goings

Los Angeles Religious Education Congress

I spent this past weekend at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress with 30,000 or so of my best friends! As always, it was a great experience. I had the privilege of giving a presentation on The Catechist’s Toolbox to about 500 catechists on Saturday afternoon, followed by a book signing in the exhibit hall. It was a great thrill. Thanks to all the wonderful catechists who came to my workshop on such a beautiful […]