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From Lent to Easter—From Fasting to Feasting (Savoring)

We just finished 40 days of Lent in order to prepare to celebrate 50 days of Easter! During Lent, we practice specific disciplines: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. So how do we “practice” Easter? We certainly don’t give up on praying and almsgiving, although those are colored now more by joyful gratitude than penance. But what does it mean to move from fasting to feasting? Feasting is not to be associated with gluttony. Feasting, for Catholics, […]

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Holy Saturday, 2013

Alleluia! He is Risen! Here are pics from the Easter Vigil so beautifully celebrated at St. Julie Billiart Parish in Tinley Park, IL. Awaiting the Vigil in darkness 6 young adults await baptism The lighting of the Easter fire The Exsultet beautifully proclaimed by John Thomas of Liturgy Training Publications   Alleluia!!! The Litany of Saints I baptize you… Renewal of baptismal promises White garments   Approaching the altar for the first time

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Today we celebrate the great feast of the Resurrection. As catechists, we know that Easter is more than one day; it’s a full season. Let us rejoice! Enjoy this year’s Easter reflection from all of us at Loyola Press.

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Home Blessing of Easter Foods

For years, my wife and I bless our Easter foods at home: bread which reminds us of the Bread of Life, meats which remind us that Jesus became flesh, dairy foods that remind us of the richness of the Kingdom, herbs and spices that remind us of the flavors of life including bitterness, and wine to symbolize the Holy Spirit! A blessed Easter to all!  

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Our Triumphant Holy Day!

As we celebrate this sacred Triduum and move into the Easter season, I extend my sincerest best wishes and prayers to all who enjoy the privilege of proclaiming the Resurrection of Jesus in the catechetical ministry. Together, on this Easter morning, we sing: Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia! Our triumphant holy day, Alleluia! Who did once upon the cross, Alleluia! Suffer to redeem our loss. Alleluia! Hymns of praise then let us sing, Alleluia! […]

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Announcing a New Webinar! 7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness: A Webinar for Easter People

I am proud to announce my next free Webinar! I will be hosting “7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness: A Webinar for Easter People” on Tuesday, April 24, 2012, at 7:00 pm (CT). I will be drawing on my new book 7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness. As we anticipate the celebration of Pentecost, this webinar will be an opportunity to truly renew our baptism and open ourselves up to the Holy Spirit who guides us in […]

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Intermediate Grades

Telling the Greatest Story Ever Told

Yesterday was my last teaching class for this year! Next week, we’ll have a closing Mass and then a little time left in class for a small celebration and farewells. I was pleased as punch, then, to have had a wonderful class last night! Here’s the scoop. Seven of my students still needed to complete their final assessment so I had them go over to an empty classroom with my aide Daneen where they completed […]

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When the Snow Melts Away…a Lenten Thought

Here in Chicago, we had a blizzard in February that dumped 20 inches of snow. Most of it is gone now, melting in the ever-so-slowly rising temperatures. Occasionally, however, one comes across the vestiges of a huge mountain of snow left behind by the snow plows. Underneath all of that snow, what do we find? Lots of MUCK! (see pic below) It soon becomes apparent that it’s time for spring cleaning! It seems to me […]

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More About Pretzels

In my 40 Ideas for 40 Days of Lent calendar, Monday, March 14 is an activity titled “What’s with the Pretzels?” which goes into the meaning of the pretzel as a traditional lenten food. I received an email from a 6th grade catechist named Marie who had quite a bit to say about the topic. Thanks, Marie! Enjoy! Joe, I’ve been on your mail list for about three months and have enjoyed the information and […]

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Catechetical Leaders

RCIA Catechists: Getting the Newly Initiated to “Come Back” for Mystagogia

I had a nice discussion last evening with some RCIA coordinators, catechists, and sponsors, who were lamenting how difficult it is to get the newly initiated to return for sessions following the Easter Vigil. (Sounds very similar to the struggle we have getting kids to come back after Confirmation, eh?) The Easter season is to be a period of “mystagogia” (miss-tuh-GO-jyah) – an opportunity to reflect upon the mysteries of our faith (which basically describes […]