outline of Jesus
Ignatian Spirituality

A Week with Jesus: Making the Examen More Intentional

The Daily Examen or Awareness Examen is a reflective, prayerful spiritual practice that comes to us from the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Its simple premise—that we can with practice become more consciously aware of God’s activity in our lives—makes it a great prayer for young and old. If you’re looking for a fun, interactive way to introduce young people to this wonderful spiritual practice, consider taking up the following challenge for a […]

reflective young man praying
Ignatian Spirituality

The Examen in Catechetical Programs

Several years ago, I became acquainted with Ignatian spirituality, and over time, incorporated many of the key components of this spirituality into my daily living. Although I’m certainly not an expert, I have learned enough so as to feel comfortable weaving such topics as the Examen into our programs. There are five key components to the Examen, a daily review of how the day went. Become aware of God’s presence. Even first graders are leading […]

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Ten Commandments, Sin, & Morality

How Are Your Lessons Calling People to Repent?

This Sunday’s Gospel (Mark 1:14–20) invites us to hear the first words out of Jesus’ mouth as he begins his public ministry: “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” One of the reasons that we find this passage difficult to take to heart is because of a lack of understanding of what it means to repent. Here’s how I understand it. Among the many […]

family praying in church
Ignatian Spirituality

Where Have You Been, Lord? Praying the Examen with Your Families

I always found our opening prayers for Confirmation and First Eucharist meetings to be challenging. Normally these involved something written down, something we would all read together, or maybe a pertinent piece of Scripture, or maybe both. It often felt dry and mechanical. What I wanted to do was engage our families, invite them to get to know the Jesus I knew—a Jesus who was active, interesting, and intensely interested in their lives. The question […]

Prayer/Guided Reflections

The Daily Examen – Learn By Doing

From time to time here on my blog, you’ve noticed me talking about the Daily Examen, a form of prayer promoted by St. Ignatius of Loyola. Now you have a great opportunity to learn how to pray the Examen by praying the Examen! Jim Manney, author of A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer, is offering an opportunity to experience the Examen online as he leads you step-by-step so that you can learn how to pray this way on […]

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A Good Way for Catechists (or Anyone!) to Pray

Many catechists are eager to deepen their own prayer life so that they in turn can help those they teach to do the same. I’d like to recommend an extremely helpful and valuable little book that just came out: A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer: Discovering the Power of St. Ignatius Loyola’s Examen. I read this book on the train the other day (yes, it’s that brief – 82 pages – that you can read it in one […]

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Lenten Activities

40 Ideas for 40 Days – Lenten Activities: Praying the Daily Examen

Today’s Lenten activity is one that some catechists are already familiar with and that is the notion of praying the Daily Examen, an Ignatian form of prayer. Praying the Daily Examen Arrange to have a TV/DVD player in your room. Insert any DVD, and press PLAY. (Keep the sound off.) Invite the young people to imagine that they are demonstrating how to use this equipment to someone who has never done so. Say, “I’d like […]