smiling Asian woman elder - kimberrywood/
Leading a Parish Program

Involving Our Elders in Faith Formation

In many cultures, the elders of the community are highly respected and are seen as wisdom figures for young people. This is not always true in Western culture, where too often our elders are seen as a burden. Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has been encouraging us to re-think our attitudes toward our elders so that we hold them in higher esteem and continue to use their gifts in a variety of ways, including in […]

Joe and his grandchildren

Grandparents Reflect the Benignity of God

Back in the day, one of the Fruits of the Spirit—kindness—went by a different name: benignity. Now, before we go any further, we need to point out that the word benign has connotations in our culture that do not lend to a good understanding of kindness. Of course, benign is the direct opposite of the word malignant, meaning something that actively destroys. For some reason, however, the word benign has come to basically mean neutral. While it’s good news to hear […]

Food for the Soul: The Mentoring of Chef Leah Chase - A Webinar with Dr. Ansel Augustine

Food for the Soul: The Mentoring of Chef Leah Chase

In his writings, (Sharing the Wisdom of Time, Christus Vivit, and elsewhere), Pope Francis has encouraged us to recognize the gifts of the elderly and to find ways to share stories between young and old. In order for us to to this, it helps to learn from examples. Loyola Press is excited to offer such a learning opportunity, courtesy of a man I’ve known and admired for over 10 years, Dr. Ansel Augustine. Join Ansel and […]

grandparents with granddaughter reading on park bench - aldomurillo/E+/Getty Images
Leading a Parish Program

Celebrating the First World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

I wish I could remember who told me this, years ago, but I have never forgotten it: “The closest we will ever come in this life to seeing the face of God is seeing the face of our grandparents.” And yes, I came across this statement long before I myself became a grandparent! Grandparents can play a significant role in the lives of children. In recognition of this very important place that grandparents have in […]

Connecting Generations Choice Board - great companion to "Sharing the Wisdom of Time" book
Family Catechesis

Connecting Generations Choice Board

Encourage connections between generations with our new choice board that invites children to learn about and develop deeper relationships with their elders. Give children choices by asking them to select and complete a set number of activities from the board: three-in-a-row, any four, or whatever number you choose. Activities include options for children to interview their grandparents, write a song, make a chart, and more. Celebrate a loved elder’s birthday, honor Grandparents Day, or mix […]

Sharing the Wisdom of Time in Your Parish or School
Sharing Stories

Celebrating the Wisdom of Elders

Encourage the children, youth, and families in your parish or school to acknowledge, celebrate, and learn from the wisdom of the generations in your community. Download resources inspired by Sharing the Wisdom of Time by Pope Francis and Friends, including: An Intergenerational Event to gather families together to recognize and honor the gifts and wisdom of the generations. Family Prayer Box activity for any classroom. Family Stories and Family Faith, a handout perfect for parents […]

family generations
Catechetical Issues & Topics

Asian and Pacific Island Catholics: Generations of Wisdom

This is the second of four articles that explore Encountering Christ in Harmony: A Pastoral Response to Our Asian and Pacific Island Brothers and Sisters (ECH:API), which was approved by the USCCB on June 14, 2018. Encountering Christ in Harmony outlines four concerns—Identity, Generations, Leadership, and Culture of Encounter and Dialogue—and examines each one through two lenses: our faith expressed and our faith engaged. The first lens, our faith expressed, views the stories of Asian […]

Sharing the Wisdom: What I Learned from an Elder
Sharing Stories

Sharing the Wisdom: What I Learned from an Elder

I’ve been seeing another woman for the last 15 years. OK, now that I’ve got your attention, this woman is 84 years old and she is my spiritual director, Maureen. I met Maureen after a presentation I gave about ministry burnout at a time when I was at a low point in my own ministry. I was considering the possibility of seeing a spiritual director to help me through the darkness I was experiencing when […]

Sharing the Wisdom of Time - book that inspired the Netflix series Stories of a Generation with Pope Francis
Leading a Parish Program

Do the Elderly Need Catechesis? Yes!

Back when the General Directory for Catechesis came out (1997), many aspects of it captured our imaginations and piqued our curiosity: the primacy of adult faith formation, the concept of apprenticeship, the catechumenate as the model for all catechesis, the importance of sacred art, and so on. One concept that caught my attention but I believe has been vastly overlooked is the attention given to catechesis for the elderly, or the “aged” as the GDC prefers. […]

Sharing the Wisdom of Time in Your Parish or School
Sharing Stories

Celebrating the Wisdom of Elders

Encourage the children, youth, and families in your parish or school to acknowledge, celebrate, and learn from the wisdom of the generations in your community. Download resources inspired by Sharing the Wisdom of Time by Pope Francis and Friends, including: An Intergenerational Event to gather families together to recognize and honor the gifts and wisdom of the generations. Family Prayer Box activity for any classroom. How Do I Help Celebrate the Wisdom of the Generations? […]