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Updates from a REAL Pilgrim: Dr. Joe Bound

I mentioned how some folks had been confused, thinking that I was truly on the pilgrimage to Italy when, in fact, I am home in Chicago, leading a VIRTUAL pilgrimage here on my blog! To confuse matters more, now I’m happy to pass along reports from a Joe who is ACTUALLY on the pilgrimage in Italy! His name is Dr. Joe Bound, and he is the Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Green […]

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Being a Catechist

VIRTUAL Pilgrimage to Italy, Day 2: Rome

I can tell that some of you are dealing either with jet lag from the long flight yesterday or with a hangover from too much vino last night! Rise and shine! Today, as we continue our VIRTUAL pilgrimage to Italy, we arrive in Rome where we tour her sites, including the following for which I have provided brief video clips: The Roman Fora (3:20) httpv:// The Coliseum (3:30) httpv:// The Arch of Constantine (3:19) httpv:// The […]

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Being a Catechist

Join Me on a VIRTUAL Pilgrimage to Italy!

As part of the Year of Faith, Pope Francis is hosting a Day for Catechists at the Vatican during the last week of September, 2013, culminating in the International Conference of Catechesis. A delegation of religious educators will be attending via a pilgrimage sponsored by the NCEA  as well as other organizations from September 23 through September 30, 2013. For those of us unable to attend in person, I thought I would offer the opportunity […]