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Comings & Goings

Mixing Business with Pleasure

I had the pleasure of enjoying a business lunch the other day with colleagues and friends to talk about the challenges and opportunities that Anglos encounter when catechizing in Latino culture. My Loyola Press colleague, Santiago Cortés-Sjöberg, is preparing to do a workshop on this topic at the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership in Las Vegas in April (I will also be speaking at this conference, but on a different topic…I was along for the fellowship […]

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Catechetical Leaders

Catechesis and Latino Culture

My friend and colleague, Santiago Cortés-Sjöberg, is doing a presentation at NCCL in April titled Latino Culture and Catechesis 101 and he is interested in hearing from catechists and catechetical leaders who have experience ministering to and catechizing Latinos to talk about the unique challenges and opportunities involved. If you have such experience, would you be willing to take a few moments to compose an email to send to Santiago to share some thoughts about your experiences […]