young adult woman leaning forward
Young Adult Ministry

Informal Moments of Return for Young Adults in the Catholic Church

We have spent some time delving into the formal moments of return for young adults, but what about the informal interactions we have with young adults at our parishes? We cannot underestimate the incredible opportunity that lies in these casual day-to-day interactions with young adults. There are many moments within our ministries when a young adult comes in to ask a question, to ask to talk to someone, or when someone asks us to meet […]

Young Adult Ministry

What Can We Do? Action Steps for Moments of Return

Moments of return for Catholic young adults are moments that hold the potential for evangelization and outreach. Below are practical strategies for strengthening important moments in young adults’ lives. Welcome and Celebrate Young Adults From the minute a young adult stands in front of us at our parishes we should be celebrating the fact that she is there. After watching numerous friends get married, baptize their children, and begin religious education of those children, I […]

young adults getting married
Young Adult Ministry

Moments of Return for Young Adults in the Catholic Church

Talking with other faith formation ministers about young adults (defined by the bishops as ages 18–39), I often hear these comments: They are just not at our parish. I never see young adults. They never show up. As both a young adult myself and as a person who ministers to and with young adults, I could not disagree more with these comments. I know young adults are showing up in our parishes. The question is: […]