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Holy Week: Entering the Passion Story

As we journey through this holiest of weeks, and especially the Triduum, I invite you to reflect and respond to one or both of the following questions: Which character(s) in the Passion story do you find most intriguing  (whether they are inspiring or tragic) and why? If you could paint a picture or create a sculpture of one moment in the story of Christ’s Passion, what would it be and why? I invite you to share […]

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Holy Week Activity – Looking for Clues in the Good Friday Passion

Here’s what I’ll be doing this evening with my 4th graders: After our opening prayer, I’ll have my aide, Daneen, take those students who have yet to finish their final assessment into the neighboring room so that they can complete the test. Meanwhile, I’ll meet with each of the students who have completed their test to go over their results with them. As I’m meeting with them individually, I’ll have them work on a Holy […]

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Lenten Activities

40 Ideas for 40 Days: Resurrection Eggs

Today’s Lenten activity comes from an eighth-grade catechist in Ohio who just loves her kids and wanted to share something she does with them during Holy Week. She calls them “Resurrection Eggs,” but they could easily be referred to as “Holy Week Eggs” or “Passion Eggs,” since they help children to recognize various elements of the Passion reading. Resurrection Eggs I found some “Resurrection Eggs.” They are plastic eggs that have a symbol of the Passion, Death, […]