A Well-Built Faith by Joe Paprocki

What Book to Use for RCIA? Try A Well-Built Faith

While it is true that the “parish is the curriculum” (Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us) for the RCIA, and that the liturgical calendar should give shape and form to the “scope and sequence” of the catechumenate, the fact is, most RCIA coordinators and teams still desire to put a book in the hands of their catechumens and candidates. I have been delighted to learn that many such coordinators and teams have chosen to use […]

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Catechetical Leaders

Possibly the Most Important Paragraph in a Church Document: RCIA #75

Several years ago, a campaign began to invite former Catholics to return to the Church: Catholics Come Home. But did you ever ask, “What are folks coming home to? And why? What am I doing to help welcome them to my parish faith community?” People stop coming to church for a variety of reasons. The question is, are we inviting them back to the very same experience that caused them to leave in the first place? […]

4 Ways the RCIA Makes Me a Better Catechist

Four Ways the RCIA Makes Me a Better Catechist

When I started out as a catechist, I began with my parish’s Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) ministry. A few years later I joined the faith formation team that served our parish’s young people, first as a substitute, then as a regular catechist. I continue to serve in both ministries, and while teaching the faith to candidates in the RCIA is different from teaching it to young people (For example, candidates in the […]

RCIA pew - Image by John Ragai under CC BY 2.0

Three Tips for Working with the RCIA

Every DRE has his or her own approach to ministry. In my parish, our faith formation philosophy is to meet people where they are. I know it’s a pretty simple idea, but when we think about the variety of people from so many different backgrounds who come together in the Church, it is important to remember that the same approach won’t work for everyone. This attitude can prove to be especially important when working with […]

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Comings & Goings

A Customer Spends the Day at Loyola Press (and Becomes a Friend!)

A couple of weeks ago, I received an email from Patty Cadena, a catechetical leader from the Diocese of Oakland, CA, telling me that she and her husband would be vacationing in the Chicago area. She said she uses my books in her RCIA and asked if there was a chance that we could meet if she visited Loyola Press. Luckily, my schedule had me in Chicago all week so I told her they could […]

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Liturgy and Sacraments

Sacramental Readiness and Initiation – Developing New Habits

We’ve had a good conversation here about sacramental readiness over the last few days thanks to a plea for help from “Monica.” Thank you to all who have so generously shared their wisdom. Our discussion got me thinking about the notion of readiness and the fact that all of our catechesis takes its cue from the process of Initiation which is an apprenticeship into a way of life. Assessment of knowledge of the faith is […]

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Catechists in Action

Catechists in Action – Marge Concludes RCIA Session with Prayer

In this final segment of Catechists in Action, Marge Garbacz leads her RCIA group in a concluding prayer and musical meditation. Watch for the following: Marge introduces the concluding prayer and connects it with the theme of human dignity. Marge  directs the participants to their parts in the prayer and goes over the flow of the prayer so that everyone knows what is happening, how, and when. Marge introduces the musical meditation, Love Never Fails […]