Spirituality of the Catechist: Online Retreat for Catechists
Online Retreat for Catechists

The Spirituality of the Catechist: An Openness to the Church (Online Retreat Week 3)

Welcome once again to the Spirituality of the Catechist, our online retreat. Remember that you can join in at any time, starting with today’s post or going back to catch up on earlier weeks. In this Week Three, we look at the second characteristic of a catechist’s spirituality: An Openness to the Church. Whether you are a long-time catechist or starting for the first time this fall, your stories are inspiring as we share with […]

Spirituality of the Catechist: Online Retreat for Catechists
Online Retreat for Catechists

Don’t Chase God; Be Caught Instead

This reflection is part of the Spirituality of the Catechist Online Retreat. Craig, Janice, and their two young daughters could always be counted on to participate in parish family life programs. By all accounts Craig was the super-Catholic dad: a humble man of faith; a role model for other dads. After a particularly long afternoon of family-ministry activities, I noticed Craig sitting in a far corner of the church lawn. I wandered over, sat beside […]

Spirituality of the Catechist: Online Retreat for Catechists
Online Retreat for Catechists

The Spirituality of the Catechist: An Openness to God (Online Retreat Week 2)

Welcome back to the Spirituality of the Catechist, our online retreat. This week we’ll look at the first characteristic of our spirituality: An Openness to God. Thank you for posting your introductions last week as we began our retreat. Your stories were very inspiring, and they helped to form a sense of community among us retreatants. If you’re just joining us, you can read the overview and introductions here (Feel free to add your own!) […]

Spirituality of the Catechist: Online Retreat for Catechists
Online Retreat for Catechists

The Six Characteristics of the Spirituality of the Catechist

This reflection is part of the Spirituality of the Catechist Online Retreat. Read the overview post here. “Catechists must have a deep spirituality.” (Guide for Catechists 6) One of my favorite Disney movies is Big Hero 6. The story centers around a computer prodigy named Hiro who forms a team of superheroes to combat an evil villain. Along the way, these tiny superheroes realize that while each of them have their own special gifts, they […]

Spirituality of the Catechist: Online Retreat for Catechists
Online Retreat for Catechists

The Spirituality of the Catechist: Overview of Our Online Retreat and Introductions

Welcome to the Spirituality of the Catechist, an online retreat for catechists. This retreat is an opportunity for those of us involved in all aspects of faith formation to be renewed in spirit and to deepen our bonds with the Lord and with one another. There’s no need to register. There’s no fee. Retreat posts will all be here on Catechist’s Journey on Tuesdays and Thursdays this summer. Let’s start with an overview of the […]

Spirituality of the Catechist: Online Retreat for Catechists
Online Retreat for Catechists

The Spirituality of the Catechist: An Online Retreat for Catechists

This summer, take some time, from the comfort of your own home and at times convenient to you, for an online retreat here at Catechist’s Journey. We’ll spend the summer reflecting on the spirituality of the catechist, focusing on six characteristics as outlined in the Guide for Catechists (Section II, 6–10): An Openness to God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) An Openness to the Church An Openness to the World A Coherence and Authenticity of […]