Synod on Synodality 2021-2023
Catechetical Issues & Topics

Helping Catholics Understand the Synodal Process

Pope Francis has brought the theme of synodality (SIH-nuh-DAL-it-ee) to the forefront of the Church. He convened a synod of bishops in Rome on October 10, 2021. That synod is being followed by local synods in dioceses around the world. Then, following two years of preparation, listening, and discernment, bishops will once again assemble in Rome in October, 2023, to complete the synod. According to Pope Francis: The purpose of the Synod…is not to produce […]

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Synod on Young People—Learning from Tony Bennett

As the Synod on Young People is taking place in Rome this month, my mind turns to 92-year-old singer Tony Bennett. Why? Over the past several years, this ageless crooner has taken to doing duets with young talent, most notably Lady Gaga (and currently, Dianna Krall, who, though not as young as Lady Gaga, is still nearly 40 years Bennett’s junior!). I’ve used the Tony Bennett-Lady Gaga example on numerous occasions to encourage those of […]

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Understanding the New Evangelization

On this Columbus Day, it seems appropriate to talk about the New Evangelization. Why? Because the treks of Christopher Columbus and his contemporaries epitomize the “old” evangelization: the quest to bring the Gospel to foreign lands. For many centuries, evangelization was thought of as something relegated to missionaries who traveled to faraway exotic lands to convert pagans. Today, we are in need of a New Evangelization – an effort that includes ALL Catholics in “re-proposing” […]