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Promoting Catholic Identity, Part 4: A Reverence for Scripture and Tradition

This is the fourth article in a series on the five characteristics of Catholic identity and how we can nurture those in our children. An important part in developing our Catholic identity is fostering a deep appreciation for the source of the knowledge of our faith. The Catholic Church recognizes that God’s Revelation comes to us in two ways: Scripture and Tradition. Many children may not get an experience of Bible passages in context, as […]

Pop-Up Catechesis with Joe Paprocki
Catechetical Issues & Topics

Pop-Up Catechesis: The Marks of the Church

When advertising, businesses will often boast about specific qualities that they possess as a way of distinguishing themselves from their competition. Thus, it is common to see words such as the following splashed all over their ads: bold, innovative, trustworthy, original, authentic, cutting-edge, high-quality, and user-friendly. In a similar way, the Catholic Church uses four words to describe its distinguishing features: one, holy, catholic, and apostolic. In this episode of Pop-Up Catechesis, we explore these […]

6 Keys to a More Evangelizing Catechesis - text with mosaic tiles surrounding it
Being a Catechist

Six Keys to a More Evangelizing Catechesis: Tradition

We continue our series exploring six keys to making our faith formation experiences more evangelizing by focusing on key #3, which is Tradition. When we form relationships with other people, we ask them to reveal things about themselves (as we do about ourselves)—where they were born, what kind of work they do, what their hobbies are, what kind of family they have, what kind of music, sports, or other forms of entertainment they enjoy most, […]

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Intermediate Grades

Catholic Identity? It’s in the W.A.T.E.R.

This coming Monday (April 29) is my last evening with the 6th graders. Following the closing Mass in church, I should have about 20 minutes left with them and I plan to use that time to send the kids off with something concrete about how to live out their faith as a Catholic. First, I’m going to show them some images of Chinese artist Liu Bolin who is known for his “Invisible Man” images in which […]

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Growing as a Catechist

Year of Faith Retreat – Week 1, Day 2: Trusting God’s Word

WEEK ONE: The Creed DAY 2: Trusting God’s Word (Scripture and Tradition) If someone claims to have authority to perform a very important task, we want to know that we can trust that individual. If someone pounds on your door and says, “Open up! Police!” you certainly want to verify that they have a badge before you let them in. Authority and trust go hand in hand.  When it comes to our faith, the question of […]