A Well-Built Faith by Joe Paprocki

Making Faith Portable, Shareable, Adaptable, and Replicable

My good friend and colleague in ministry, Julianne Stanz, wisely reminds us that our faith is and must be “portable, shareable, and adaptable.” I couldn’t agree more! I’ve always used the word replicable with reference to catechesis, meaning that those we teach should be able to pass along or share with others what we have shared with them. The word catechesis means “to echo!” An echo is a replication of a sound, and those we […]

A Well-Built Faith by Joe Paprocki

Offering Parents a Little HELP

Recently, the National Community of Catechetical Leaders (NCCL) conducted a survey of more than 300 parish catechetical leaders, asking them to identify the most critical issues in catechesis today. At the top of the survey was “Parent Education and Formation.” Simply put, catechists and catechetical leaders recognize that, if we want to form children in faith, we need also to form their parents! Of course, this begs the question, “What resource(s) can we use to […]

reader feedback

Making Our Faith “Simple-Yet-Not-Simplistic”

No doubt you are familiar with the “…for Dummies” series of books—instructional books designed to take complex topics and present them in a non-intimidating format for readers who are new to the subject. Ironically, the reason that these books sell so well is that readers know that the author will not treat them like dummies but rather as an apprentice in need of a mentor. The authors are experts in their fields, and the subject […]

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Adult Faith Formation

Iced Coffee Catechesis – A Well-Built Faith

I’ve already mentioned to you the Lawn Chair Catechism being hosted by CatholicMom.com which is using my book,  A Well-Built Faith: A Catholic’s Guide to Knowing and Sharing What We Believe, this summer. Now, I find word that a parish in Andover, MA, is also using AWBF for what they call “Iced Coffee Catechesis!” Here’s their blurb: Iced Coffee Catechesis Pope Francis reminds us that joy is ours in Christ – a joy ever new – […]

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Lawn Chair Catechism at CatholicMom.com Featuring A Well Built Faith!

I’m excited and flattered that my book, A Well-Built Faith, has been chosen for CatholicMom.com’s Lawn Chair Catechism this summer! I’ve had fun working on the promotional materials with them for this endeavor (see left and below!). Here is how they describe the experience: Welcome to the second “Lawn Chair Catechism” at CatholicMom.com! This is an opportunity for you to kick back while you study along with us. We’ll be using A Well-Built Faith: A […]

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Preparing for a Year of Faith – Online Retreat and Webinar!

As you know by now, we will be celebrating a Year of Faith beginning this October, 2012, through November, 2013. I’m happy to announce that I will be offering 2 very important opportunities to prepare for the Year of Faith in the coming months. Online Summer Retreat: Preparing for a Year of Faith – Beginning Monday, July 30, 2012 (on the eve of the Feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola!), I will be offering an […]

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The 4 Pillars of Our Faith: Prayer

This week, I’m featuring short excerpts from my book, A Well-Built Faith, focusing on the 4 pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Here’s a brief look at the fourth pillar: Prayer. A survey conducted years ago asked people in successful marriages to identify the top ten qualities of a healthy marriage. One might think that sex, given all the attention it is given in our culture, would have been the number one quality. […]

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The 4 Pillars of Our Faith: the Moral Life

This week, I’m featuring short excerpts from my book, A Well-Built Faith, focusing on the 4 pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Here’s a brief look at the third pillar: the Moral Life. Country and Western songs tend to be filled with heart ache, telling tales of good loving gone bad. Two people in love are supposed to treat each other in a certain way and when that doesn’t happen, relationships faith. Just […]

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The 4 Pillars of Our Faith: Sacraments

This week, I’m featuring short excerpts from my book, A Well-Built Faith, focusing on the 4 pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Here’s a brief look at the second pillar: the Sacraments. To be sacramental is to express beyond words. Catholics are sacramental because human beings are sacramental. Humans express love in a variety of ways beyond words. We do not feel that our love is fully expressed unless we can reach out […]