Victor from California sends along the results of an activity he did with his 8th graders. I’ll let him describe it in his own words:
The lesson was on Anointing with Chrism. Following some content and context, I had them divide into groups and do an acrostic with the word “anointing” on poster paper. They got more exposure with oil as I had each of them dip their finger into some fragrant oil and anoint their work. Just as I hoped the oil permeated through the paper as evidenced by flipping it over. What I didn’t expect was the light to shine though the anointing spots with the group closest to the window. Every one thought that was cool adding more meaning to the exercise.
Click here to see the results of the acrostic. Thanks for sharing, Victor!
One of my catechists recently discovered that you could make “stained glass windows” by allowing children to color a picture and then using baby or mineral oil rubbing the back of the picture and thus creating the translucent effect mentioned here. It occured to me as I read this that we could have younger children color a picture of any of the sacraments which use oil as one of the primary symbols rub the oil on the picture and talk to them about how the presence of the holy spirit helps to bring the light of christ alive in our lives through these sacraments.
Maura, how creative! Wonderful idea. Thanks for sharing.