I had the enjoyable privilege of celebrating Catechetical “Sunday” in Mobile, Alabama, today as guest speaker at their archdiocesan Catechist Celebration Day! As always, the Southern hospitality was extraordinary and I enjoyed meeting so many wonderful catechists, catechetical leaders, and youth ministers, not to mention the great folks from the archdiocesan office of Religious Education and Archbishop Rodi, who celebrated Mass with us and had lunch with a Q & A session with the DREs, Youth Ministry leaders, and pastors…a very nice affair. Thanks again to all the good folks for making my visit so enjoyable. Here are a few pics: Archbishop Rodi commissioning catechetical leaders and youth ministry leaders; the luncheon; the beautiful view of Mobile Bay from my hotel window!
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Happy Catechetical Sunday!
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Thank you so much, Joe, for coming to Mobile this past weekend! I enjoyed your talk very much – and it was treat to meet you as I have become quite a fan after reading your books and following your blog. I am a volunteer PCL in Gulf Shores, AL, and I frequently share the ideas you blog about with the other 4 catechists at my parish. Looking forward to hearing more about your new 4th grade class.
Thanks, Suzette, it was a pleasure meeting you in Mobile…I really had a great time there! Best wishes to you and all!