Thanks to all the wonderful catechists in Dallas, TX, who spent the day with me on Saturday, exploring an introduction to the ministry of catechesis. We had a great time, got lots of work done, and even celebrated the Dallas Mavericks’ championship! The crowd ranged from a number of brand new catechists to a woman who was in her 50th year of being a catechist! Amazing! Thanks again to everyone for such a wonderful day! Here’s a peek at their smiling faces.
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Gee, I wish I had been in Dallas, especially since it is only 250 miles away! I’m fairly new to this website, so I guess I don’t know how to find things out, such as this Dallas training. Where would I have found that information?
Hi Patricia. I have a list of my presentations on my ABOUT ME tab at the top of my home page.
What a wonderful blessing to be a Catechist. Last September, I was asked to step in for a catechist who took a nursing job that included working some Sundays. I agreed, excited but with some reservation, to prepare for a class of 8-9 year olds. It had been a long time since I had spent time with children that age. I have to laugh when I remember how nervous I was my first class, with enough material prepared for three classes. The children were wonderful, engaging, usually awake, sometimes a little over-enthusiastic, if you know what I mean, and always interested to learn more about Jesus and His church, and what it is to be Catholic. I’m looking forward to teaching again this school year.
I have been a catechist for the last three years. I love it and look forward to learning as much if not more than my students do. I teach second grade everyday in my town and one night a week, I get to change my experience a little. I teach eighth grade confirmation class. I like that it is about the same but oh so different. I attended the class in Dallas on Saturday and I must tell you that I was impressed with your presentation. You were on target when you mentioned that professional teachers have a better preparatory experience than other catechists, because lets face it, I do it for a career. But it is very different when I am a catechist. I actually feel as if I am learning more from my students than they are from me. We do many activities to try to liven up the class or materials. I always try to relate it back to their everyday lives so that they can connect to the information. It has been a pleasant three years and I really hope that I can continue to grow and learn as a catholic and a catechist. I want to thank you for your inspiration and a great day! God Bless!
thanks so much Lesa and I wish you continued blessings in your ministry!