Picture This!

I don’t post photos of my class here on my blog but my class is pictured in the latest newsletter (pg. 2) of the School of Religion on the Most Holy Redeemer Parish Website. Take a look at the happy faces! Also, take note of the very nice newsletter that the program secretary, Lilian Trasko, puts out (electronically) each month! February Newsletter P.S. I’m flattered that they also included one of my articles on the Roman Missal […]

4th Graders on the Red Carpet

Last night was the successful premiere of the Ten Commandments DVD that my 4th graders filmed over the past few weeks! It opened to an audience of about 8-9 parents who visited my classroom as part of the Open House. The parents enjoyed watching their little stars on the big screen and the kids were tickled to see themselves. All in all, it was very successful. I made a copy of the DVD for each […]

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