Roman Missal Changes – Updated Resource List

At the end of my Webinars on the Roman Missal changes, I offered a PDF of a Resource List I’ve compiled to help with the implementation of the texts. Since, then, I’ve received a couple of requests from a few publishers to include some of their resources on the list. I’m happy to do so. Here’s an updated resource list for you: Resources for Roman Missal Changes

An Evening with the Associate Pastor

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! A big day for us catechists who are all about teaching LOVE! Tonight, the 4th graders will have an opportunity to spend the evening with Fr. Matt, the Associate Pastor, as he will help them to better understand the Sacrament of Reconciliation. I should have the recordings of the Roman Missal Webinars real soon…stay tuned! In the meantime, I’ll answer some more of the many questions that came in during the Webinars. […]

Surrounded by Cheeseheads! (And I say that affectionately!)

I enjoyed spending the day yesterday with about 50 “Cheeseheads” which of course is the nickname given to Green Bay Packers’ fans. As they celebrate their Superbowl victory, they were gracious enough to welcome this Chicago Bears fan into their midst for a Being, Knowing, and Doing professional development workshop. We had the most wonderful day together and talked about so many ideas and strategies for taking care of our catechists. Thanks to Gary Pokorny, […]

Thanks to All Who Participated in My Roman Missal Webinars!

A great big THANK YOU to all the folks who participated in my Roman Missal Webinars these past 2 nights! I hope this was a good opportunity for you to get a start on understanding the changes in the words we use at Mass. Don’t forget the following: Here is the PDF I promised of resources for the Roman Missal Changes I’ll begin answering questions that you sent in here on my blog over the […]

New Roman Missal Translation – What You Need to Know #7

As you probably already know, I am co-authoring (with D. Todd Williamson, Director of the Office for Divine Worship, Archdiocese of Chicago) a series of ten articles for Loyola Press on the new Roman Missal. These articles will provide you with what you need to know to better understand the changes when we implement the 3rd Edition of the Roman Missal in Advent, 2011. I’ll point you to these articles weekly over the next several weeks as they […]

Roman Missal Webinar Tomorrow!

“Me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me…” No, it’s not all about me…that’s just the sound of my voice warming up for tomorrow’s webinar! I’m stretching my vocal chords as I get ready to talk about the changes in the Roman Missal, a subject that is of great importance to anyone who believes that the Mass is the most important thing that we Catholics do! There’s still a little time left to register…HURRY! Don’t forget that you have TWO opportunities to choose […]

A Good Way for Catechists (or Anyone!) to Pray

Many catechists are eager to deepen their own prayer life so that they in turn can help those they teach to do the same. I’d like to recommend an extremely helpful and valuable little book that just came out: A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer: Discovering the Power of St. Ignatius Loyola’s Examen. I read this book on the train the other day (yes, it’s that brief – 82 pages – that you can read it in one […]

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