In this segment of Catechists in Action, seventh-grade catechist Dan Ward teaches the young people about the Sacrament of Reconciliation in preparation for celebrating the sacrament the following week. Watch as Dan:
- deals with the reality that few of his students go to Reconciliation outside of R.E. class.
- talks about how important it is to “bring our sins to the table.”
- explains the nature of sin and personal responsibility.
- introduces an examination of conscience and talks about his own experience.
- reads through the examination aloud with help from volunteers.
Dan, I enjoyed your introduction to the Examination of concience but do you have available a copy of the examination?
Brisk, substantial, dynamic, heartfelt.
I agree, Christian…I really like Dan’s style.
Like Mary, I was wondering if you also have a suggested Examination of conscience. I teach 7th grade kids also who are in their First Year Confirmation preparation and this would be a helpful tool for these kids.
Thanks so much
Eleanor, I’m not sure what Dan used for his examination of conscience, but here are some links to some good ones (not sure the links are active…you might have to copy and paste into your browser):