Preparing to Learn About Solomon’s Temple

teaching sixth grade

Tonight, we will be taking our sixth graders to the church for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We begin with a prayer service that includes Scripture and an examination of conscience and then the children are invited to private confession (face to face) with one of the priests (usually four or five are on hand). When all are done, we have a closing prayer and song.

I don’t anticipate having any more than 10 or 15 minutes at the end (if even that much) so all I plan to do is to have them get ready for next week’s session when we will be learning about Solomon’s Temple. I will give them this Homework Notification Sheet – Solomon’s Temple which invites their parents to help them locate an image of Solomon’s Temple on Google Images and to either print out an image to paste or, for the more artistic, to draw and color an image of the Temple using one of the Google images as a guide, in the space provided on a blackline master I’ll provide.

Between now and next week, I will zero in on the “so what?” of Solomon’s Temple so that the children can have an experience of faith and not just a history lesson.

About Joe Paprocki 2742 Articles
Joe Paprocki, DMin, is National Consultant for Faith Formation at Loyola Press, where, in addition to his traveling/speaking responsibilities, he works on the development team for faith formation curriculum resources including Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts and God’s Gift: Reconciliation and Eucharist. Joe has more than 35 years of experience in ministry and has presented keynotes, presentations, and workshops in more than 100 dioceses in North America. Joe is a frequent presenter at national conferences including the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, the Mid-Atlantic Congress, and the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership. He is the author of numerous books, including the best seller The Catechist’s Toolbox, A Church on the Move, Under the Influence of Jesus, and Called to Be Catholic—a bilingual, foundational supplemental program that helps young people know their faith and grow in their relationship with God. Joe is also the series editor for the Effective Catechetical Leader and blogs about his experiences in faith formation at

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