My friend and colleague, Kathy Donnelly, sent this wonderful story along to me. According to Sr. Phyllis Schenk, O.P., the Director of Religious Education at Resurrection Parish in Illiopolis, Illinois, the parish installed an Umbrella of Mercy in the church for the Year of Mercy. Under the umbrella are Loyola Press Beatitude Cards and small wooden plaques. Parishioners are encouraged to take a Beatitude Card home and to write on the plaque a time when they were shown mercy or when they showed mercy to others. What a wonderful idea!
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Great idea, we have a Tree of Mercy in our Narthex. Currently you can take a foam egg off the tree with a suggestion of an act of Mercy when completed bring the egg back with a onee word description of what you did or a picture. We will continue this with flowers in spring and summer and leaves in the fall
Wow! wonderful!!