Take the opportunity to evaluate yourself as a catechist over the course of this past year with the help of Growing as a Catechist: A Self-Evaluation Based on Seven Critical Tools from The Catechist’s Toolbox.
This short evaluation asks you to evaluate yourself using a five-point scale on the seven critical tools and then invites deeper reflection with several open-ended questions. Share your evaluation with your catechetical leader, or discuss it with a group of catechists. It’s always good for us to reflect on our experience to see how the Holy Spirit is calling us to grow in our faith-formation ministry.
After you’ve had the chance to reflect on your year, come back here to Catechist’s Journey and share in the comments which tools you evaluated yourself most strongly in, and which you feel you need to improve on most in the coming year. Overall, how did your year go?
I would like to teach young children chatachasim
I was confirmed in 1965 and I was lucky because I was taught and groomed up by the Passionist Sisters .
Now at my age I want to to teach the young ones.
I am religious ed teacher to 4-6 and feel ineffective. However, since these parents take their children to church feel this is half the battle.