More Microshifts for Catechists

microshifts for catechists - text on background of colored broken glass

Earlier this summer, we explored microshifts we can make as catechists to improve our ministry, inspired by Gary Jansen’s MicroShifts: Transforming Your Life One Step at a Time. Now two of our readers share the small changes they plan for the new year of faith formation.

One small change I am always trying to integrate into my ministry as a catechist is to be more prepared with a slew of effective, impactful, and meaningful icebreakers—which most teens love and which really do break the ice, making sharing God’s great love with them all the easier. I really could work on creative prayer ideas too—much like the Church, we as catechists too are always in need of growth!

—Naomi, Catechist

In helping children and youth to meet God and not just learn about him, I intend to give them two minutes of silent prayer at the beginning of each session, beginning with this or a similar invitation: “Listen as God speaks in your mind, heart, and soul. He says, ‘You are my beloved child; in you I am well-pleased.’ Now let these words of God sink in. Speak to God, and listen as he continues to talk with you.”

—Christina Durback, Director of Religious Education, Assumption Parish, Bethlehem, PA

What microshifts are you committed to making in your ministry? Share in the comments.

Image based on one by JL G from Pixabay.

About Denise Gorss 115 Articles
Denise Gorss is a catechist with more than 20 years experience, mostly in junior high. She appreciates the gifts of Ignatian spirituality and likes sharing various types of prayer with the young people in her groups. She enjoys seeing the world on pilgrimages and lives in the Chicago area, where she works as Web Editor at Loyola Press.


  1. This year I want to make sure to integrate prayer at different times in our class not just at the beginning and end. One classroom management change I want to make is to emphasize and recognize the positive things kids are doing and not get caught up in giving all the attention to the kids doing things that are disruptive in class. This includes making phone calls to the parents of every child to tell them the good things they are doing.

  2. I would like to purchase the book “Transforming Your Life One Step at a
    Time”. Where do I get the promo code? I’m old school -not the best with
    computer tech. I do like all the helpful info in the microshifts!!

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