Is It True We Will Live Forever?

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One night as I was tucking my youngest son into bed, he sat right up as if he had just connected something in his mind and was having an “aha!” moment.

“Mom, Mom, is it true?” he said excitedly. “Is what true?” I asked.

“You know how at Mass, Father says to us that if we eat this bread, we will live forever?” With an expectant expression on his small face, he held his chubby hands outstretched as if he were holding the Eucharist between them, just as he had seen our pastor do at Mass. “Mom, is that true?” he asked. “Because if that is true, we will never die, right, Mom?”

Watch a retelling of this beautiful moment in the video below.

This story is also included in The Catholic Parents’ Survival Guide: Straight Answers to Your Kids’ Toughest Questions.

About Julianne Stanz 80 Articles
Julianne Stanz is the Director of Outreach for Evangelization and Discipleship at Loyola Press and a consultant to the USCCB Committee on Catechesis and Evangelization. She served previously as Director of Discipleship and Leadership Development for the Diocese of Green Bay. Julianne infuses her talks, retreats, and seminars with humor, passion, and insights from her life in Ireland. A popular speaker, storyteller, and author, Julianne is married with three children and spends her time reading, writing, teaching, and collecting beach glass. She is the author of Start with Jesus: How Everyday Disciples Will Renew the Church, Developing Disciples of Christ, Braving the Thin Places, and co-author, with Joe Paprocki, of The Catechist’s Backpack.

1 Comment

  1. “Yes, Son, it is true”….No matter our trials, “Our God is a God of Faithfulness.” His Real Presence is such a gift! Thank you, Julianne, for your rich storytelling skills and your faithfulness….Hope you’re doing well!

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