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Navigating the Old Testament

Our session this past Tuesday went very well. The focus of the class was to review the stories that we learned from the Old Testament this year and to locate them in the Bible. We began by inviting each student to recall the name of someone we learned about in the Old Testament this year. Every student recalled someone and we had a good list of names on the board: Adam and Eve, Cain and […]

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It’s Time to Begin Reviewing!

It’s hard to believe but it is that time of the year when I begin to review what we’ve learned this year! In other words, I will not be teaching any new material for the remainder of this year! We will review all of our Old Testament stories tomorrow, using my Bible Bookmarks to guide us in locating them in the Bible. Here is the worksheet we will be using. Please note: this is based […]

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Comings & Goings

Finding God in Galveston-Houston

Yesterday, I enjoyed a wonderful day with 4 of my Loyola Press colleagues in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston as we presented correlations between Finding God 2013 and the new curriculum guidelines and learning targets for the archdiocese. Thanks to all of the folks who so warmly received us and showed such great excitement for the new bilingual Finding God, the Adaptive Kits for children with special needs, our religion readiness programs, and our sacramental preparation […]

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Intermediate Grades

Preparing for Our Mercy Experience – Permission Forms, etc.

Tonight, before taking the kids to church for their monthly Mass, we will focus on our upcoming Mercy Experience (formerly known as service projects!). On April 21, we will be going to the Ronald McDonald House near Advocate Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, IL, to prepare and serve supper for about 30 people currently residing there. Kudos to my DRE, Deb, and to St. Cajetan for strongly suggesting that EVERY grade of religious education be […]

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Comings & Goings

A Great Day in the Motor City

I enjoyed spending the day on Friday with about 65 catechetical leaders of the Detroit Society of Catechetical Leaders exploring what it means to live Under the Influence of Jesus. Thanks to all of the great folks who came out to spend the first full day of spring together exploring how we can more effectively evangelize and catechize!

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Being a Catechist

Good News from the Substitute Catechist (Who Just Happens to be the DRE!)

Last week, we missed our weekly session with our 6th graders since we were in Los Angeles for the annual Religious Education Congress. When we arrived back home, I received the following message from my DRE, Deb, who, along with another catechist, subbed for my class. I was so pleased and thrilled to get such a good report, especially the part where she explains that the kids were asking for/explaining their regular routine! Hi Joe, […]

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Finding God in the City of Angels!

Once again, the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress was an unbelievable experience! I can’t thank the staff of the Office for Religious Education in LA for having me as a speaker…what a privilege! I also enjoyed sitting in on some of the presenters…so inspiring, as was the amazing closing liturgy! Here are some pics: Introducing the new bi-lingual Finding God!                 With future TV star and LP colleague, […]

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Help Spread Pope Francis’ Message of Mercy!

Let’s help spread Pope Francis’s message of mercy by getting 100,000 people to order The Church of Mercy by April 25 so that it qualifies as a bestseller! To make that happen, order a copy (and get as many individuals to do the same) through,, or your local bookseller. Pope Francis has captured the world’s attention with his seemingly counterintuitive approach to leadership. In The Church of Mercy, readers get a first-hand look […]

teaching sixth grade
Intermediate Grades

Mercy, Mercy, Mercy!

Last evening was delightful session in which we focused on the “flipside” of the Prophets’ message: the proclamation of hope (we previously focused on their “getting in the face” of Israel over injustices). We talked a lot about the experience of the Exile and how those in exile were devastated and how the Prophets brought a message of hope that culminated in the coming of Jesus. The main focus of the session, however, was on […]

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For My New Jersey and East Coast Friends

Here’s an opportunity for those of you on the East Coast, especially New Jersey: an evening of gratitude, hope, and expanding horizons of mind and heart with my friend, colleague, and fellow-blogger, Vinita Hampton Wright.   You are cordially invited to join us for an evening of faith enrichment. Vinita Hampton Wright, author of Praying Freedom: A Book of Lenten Meditations, will facilitate the retreat. Join Loyola Press for an evening of gratitude, hope, and […]